If you are fully vaccinated, what is your risk of “long COVID” when the delta variant spreads?


The Bay Area is rapidly rolling back on indoor masking, with most counties in the region now recommending that even vaccinated people wear face covers indoors amid concerns over the highly contagious variant of the delta coronavirus .

Most COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be very effective in protecting against serious illness and hospitalizations due to the delta variant, but groundbreaking cases are occurring – and some experts have said the potential for known persistent health problems under the name of “long COVID” makes them think.

Bob Wachter, chairman of the UCSF’s Department of Medicine, said that although he is fully vaccinated, the possible long COVID risk has led him to take more stringent precautions again.

“Personally, I factor in the possibility of having a mild case of COVID that results in persistent symptoms… into my own personal calculation that guides my behavior,” Wachter said in an email. “I still don’t want to get it, both because of this long unknown risk of COVID, as well as the low but not zero risk that I could get a mild case and pass it on to a vulnerable person.”

Here’s what we know about the delta variant and the long COVID risk.


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