If you have these 4 symptoms, you may have longer immunity to COVID


The development and deployment of effective coronavirus vaccines has many Americans hoping that they will soon be protected from a potentially deadly brush with COVID-19. But for the millions of people who have already contracted and survived COVID, the question of how long their natural immunity will keep them safe has been the subject of major scientific debate. Now, new research has shown that having certain symptoms during your illness could be a sign that you are more likely to have longer, “persistent” immunity to COVID. Read on to see what symptoms might keep you immune longer, and to learn more about the signs you might be sick, check out This Strange Pain Could Be the First Sign You Have COVID, Study Finds.

The new University of Wisconsin study, which was released as a pre-print on Jan.6 and has yet to be peer reviewed, analyzed blood tests from 113 patients infected with the coronavirus five weeks after recovery from their illness and then again. three months after their illness. The researchers set out to determine the level of concentration of antibodies circulating in their systems at the two intervals. The results corroborated the results of other studies that found elderly patients, males and / or those who became seriously ill saw higher concentrations of antibodies, which is a key indicator of immunity. But research has also “shown for the first time that [specific] Symptoms of COVID-19… were consistently correlated with higher levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies ”for at least three months.

Overall, the research found that though “hospitalized subjects had higher antibody levels than non-hospitalized subjects.” But for patients who weren’t hospitalized, the symptoms led to varying levels of antibodies, with “coughing, body aches, headaches, nausea, and vomiting” correlating only with the presence of antibodies, and ” chills, shortness of breath, chest tightness, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, and runny or stuffy nose “correlated with” hardly or not [no]”antibody.

Still, the study’s authors stress that more research needs to be done on the subject, writing “further work is needed to determine which antibody titers [concentrations] protect against reinfection and for how long [concentrations] latest.”

So, which symptoms generated the most “persistent” antibody levels? Read on to learn more, and to find out more about what could put you on the right path for serious illness, see If you have this blood type, you are at high risk for severe COVID.

Read the original article on Better life.



A sick young man takes a temperature and coughs in his bed.
A sick young man takes a temperature and coughs in his bed.

Running a high temperature is usually a sign that your body is working to fight an infection. But in the case of COVID, it could also be a sign that your immune response is generating more antibodies.

“Fever…[is] a sign of a systemic inflammatory response, suggesting that such an inflammatory response may be the key to developing a strong anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody response, ”the study authors wrote. And to find out what constitutes a fever, check out Your “Normal” The temperature isn’t actually 98.6 degrees, doctors warn.


Poor appetite

elderly woman refusing to eat
elderly woman refusing to eat

While being sick seldom makes people ravenous, experiencing a drop in appetite matches fever as a sign of a “systemic inflammatory response,” according to the study’s authors. This means that your lack of hunger can signal a major immune response in your body. And for more on serious signs to watch out for, see If You Have Any Of These COVID Symptoms, The CDC Says To Call 911.



The hand opens the bathroom door
The hand opens the bathroom door

While stomach problems are a well-known symptom of potentially severe COVID, the study authors note that they “did not see increased diarrhea” in hospital patients. However, research has found that the symptom has appeared in outpatients with higher antibody responses.

The study’s authors hypothesize that the symptom may be “a marker of serious illness,” but also believe that suffering from it during COVID could indicate that the virus has infected the gastrointestinal system, which which “would directly improve the antibody response, perhaps by activating inflammation. cells throughout the gut.” And to regularly receive COVID news straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


Abdominal pain

Woman with stomach pain
Woman with stomach pain

Study researchers attribute abdominal pain to the same infection that causes diarrhea in COVID patients. Still, the researchers admit that more research on the correlation is needed. And to learn more about this symptom, check out Here’s How To Tell If Your Upset Stomach Is COVID, Doctors Say.


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