If you wear your mask like this you will not get “maximum protection”



As new, highly transmissible strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus gain importance, experts are urging the public to double wearing their masks. Literally. Many medical professionals, including the White House’s chief COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, now advocates not wearing a single mask but of them, creating a second physical barrier between you and unwanted respiratory droplets or aerosols. But if you choose to layer masks, researchers warn that it matters How? ‘Or’ What you overlap them. A recent study published in the journal Cell found that to achieve “maximum protection” with a surgical mask and a fabric mask, it is essential to place one particular mask on top of the other. Read on to learn more about how to double-mask the most effective way, and for more essential information on face masks, check out What type of face mask is “unacceptable,” warns the Mayo Clinic.

According to the study, getting the most out of wearing your mask is simple: “Wear a fabric mask well over a surgical mask where the surgical mask acts as a filter and the fabric mask provides an extra layer of filtration while improving the fit, “the study advises.” If the masks fit well, “the researchers say this strategy should prevent the transmission of COVID with an efficiency of over 90%. However, reverse it. ordering the masks by placing a larger fabric mask under a surgical mask could drastically alter the fit, making it less effective.

One of the study’s authors, Linsey Marr, PhD, an engineering professor at Virginia Tech, recently said The Washington Post that in the absence of a medical grade mask such as a KN95 or N95, people can achieve “the best and easiest protection” by wearing a fabric mask overlaid tightly over a surgical mask.

Are you looking for other hacks to make your mask more effective? Read on for more tips on getting the most out of wearing your mask. And to avoid face masks altogether, check out the CDC advises against using these 6 face masks.

Woman wearing mask

One of the easiest ways to ensure a good mask fit is to tighten the earrings by tying them up or purchase cloth masks with adjustable buckles.

According to the University of Nebraska Medical Center, you should be especially careful that this modification of the mask does not create additional air holes where aerosols could enter. “Make sure the knot is behind your ear and doesn’t pull up and down the sides together, as this will open up a space for air to come in and out,” the experts explain. And for more mask advice , find out why it may protect you less, experts warn.

Woman putting on surgical mask.  She applies it to her face and adjusts the mask for a proper fit.  Back lit at sunset.

Another useful hack comes from Sabrina paseman and Megan Duong |, two former Apple employees who decided to tackle the shortage of medical masks. Before patenting this innovative face mask that uses the same concept, they first shared a DIY model that only requires three rubber bands to give a surgical mask “N95 level” effectiveness.

Start by simply making a chain from the three rubber bands by connecting them together. After putting on your surgical mask, stretch the central elastic so that it forms a tight seal around your nose and mouth. Then stretch the two remaining rubber bands around the ears to hold it in place. For the detailed step by step instructions you can watch this video. And to find out which mask alternatives to avoid, check out CDC Says You Shouldn’t Wear One Instead of a Face Mask.

Man puts on face mask in town to avoid contracting coronavirus, COVID-19

If your face mask has air holes, folding and sewing those spaces closed can increase the effectiveness of the mask. In fact, several doctors have published their own helpful techniques, which you can follow to make adjustments simple and safe. Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, MD, division chief of infectious diseases at the Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Massachusetts, shared his reaction to a popular hack with Today, which you can watch here. And for more regular COVID news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


It’s important to clean your mask regularly, but drying can be even more important. After all, using intensely high heat is one of the best ways to make sure you’re killing germs.

However, drying your mask at a temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit which kills COVID can cause shrinkage in a typical dryer, which can cause fit issues. One way to avoid this problem is to wash, air dry, and then iron your mask. This high direct heat will definitely eliminate all pathogens, and help the pleated masks maintain their intended shape. And for more on a common face mask care mistake, check out The CDC Says This is How Often You Should Wash Your Face Mask.


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