Illinois surpasses 700,000 COVID cases with 7,574 more reported Friday – NBC Chicago


Illinois reported 7,574 new confirmed and probable cases of the coronavirus on Friday, bringing the state’s total to more than 700,000 cases since the start of the pandemic.

According to the latest data from the Illinois Department of Public Health, Friday’s new case total brings the state to 705,063 cases of the virus since the pandemic began in March. The additional 66 deaths reported on Friday also brought the statewide death toll to 12,029 deaths.

The state saw a drop in tests processed over the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday, reporting 77,130 tests in the previous 24 hours, down from the last six-figure days of testing.

The total number of coronavirus tests done in Illinois since the start of the pandemic stands at 10,289,223, according to the IDPH.

The seven-day positivity rate fell again on Friday, to 10.1% from 10.3% the day before. It was 10.6% Wednesday, against 10.4% Tuesday. Friday’s drop marked the eighth day in which the positivity rate had dropped over the past 10 days, after rising rapidly over the past month.

The state continues to experience a large number of hospitalizations linked to the virus. A total of 5,829 patients are currently hospitalized for the virus in Illinois, including 1,215 in intensive care unit beds and 698 on ventilators. While still high from previous waves of the pandemic, all three numbers were lower than yesterday’s report.

Illinois and Chicago health officials have spent days joining federal officials and health experts to urge people to avoid travel and celebrate Thanksgiving holidays virtually or only with members of their immediate home.

The Chicago mayor and doctor warned Wednesday that the holidays could turn into a “super diffuse event,” again begging residents to skip gatherings.

“Let me say it as bluntly as possible: we are extremely concerned that Thanksgiving weekend is becoming such a diffuse event,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said at a press conference Wednesday morning.

“Despite continued warnings from responsible leaders across the country, approximately 50 million Americans are still expected to travel this weekend,” she continued. “This is why we must redouble our precautions in order to avoid a continuous increase in cases, hospitalizations and unfortunately deaths, which continue to see an increase.”

“I urge you not to commit to your usual Thanksgiving plans, to limit it to your immediate household,” Lightfoot said, noting that Chicago is expected to experience 1,000 more coronavirus deaths by the end of the year.

“Please only celebrate Thanksgiving with people in your immediate household or remote on the Internet,” she continued, adding that she expected to celebrate with her 92-year-old mother and other family members, but chose to celebrate separately.

“It’s the best way for us to protect each other and celebrate future Thanksgivings together,” Lightfoot said. “It really is a sacrifice, but in my mind it is an expression of love.”

Lightfoot noted that a stay-at-home advisory remains in place for Chicago, asking residents to stay home unless departure is necessary, such as to shop for groceries or work.

Chicago Department of Public Health commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady shared a graph showing a dramatic increase in cases in Canada following the Thanksgiving celebration on October 12.

“After Canadian Thanksgiving, unfortunately, Canada has seen a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases and let me tell you that the case rates in the United States are currently much worse than those in Canada and that our push potential is much greater, ”said Arwady. “So it’s not too late to change any plans you may have, even for tomorrow. Anything we can do as a city to limit this risk here is a victory for you, your family and Chicago.”


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