Images of Google Pixel 4 XL showing leaks show the giant upper frame


The seemingly endless flow of Pixel 4 leaks continues with our best look at practical images of the largest Pixel 4 XL, thanks to a user's message Reddit u / gooGof.

The design seems to be almost identical to that of the smaller Pixel 4, which has been shown in a number of leaks and in an official Google teaser. That said, the giant square camera array is a little better on the bigger phone because of its larger size.

Photo: u / gooGof / Reddit

The images illustrate the black and white color options of the Pixel 4 XL. The white version features a black frame on the sides and at the front of the phone for an interesting two-tone effect, as well as an orange power button. The black model is all black, although there is a white power button to offer a little contrast.

Also noteworthy is the oversized top bezel, which should allow Google to integrate with Project Soli's Motion Sense radar sensors. It really is a different approach from almost all the other flagship projects of 2019, which are characterized by a notch, a perforated camera or simply a total elimination of glasses. Honestly, it does not look great, but fortunately, improvements to the front camera and the sensor will justify the design.

Thanks to Verge Chris's reader for the tip!


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