Immortals Fenyx Rising Monster

One game you might have overlooked towards the end of last year was Ubisoft’s open world title. Immortals Fenyx Rising. This has been compared to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild over and over again, but fails a bit. Still, it’s worth a look if you fancy a similar experience.

If you’re not quite ready to take the plunge, you might want to hang in there – as the game appears to be getting a demo soon. A Twitter bot that scans the PlayStation Store has identified a demo for the game – which appears to be based on the Google Stadia trial some time ago.

Whether or not a demo like this will make it to the Switch is another question, but other than the graphics, there are no major differences between each version of the game. Would you like to try a demo for what game if it had been released on Nintendo Switch? Leave a comment below.

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