Important reminders for faculty | News from Syracuse University


Dear colleagues,

I am writing to you with reminders concerning two public health problems which have been the subject of questions received by the Office of Academic Affairs:

  • Students missing classes due to illness and requests for apology notes;
  • Classroom masking;
  • Additional FAQ.

Missing class due to illness

We have been informed that Barnes Center receives a constant stream of requests from students for official grades indicating that they have missed classes due to illness. As we noted in the program reminders and on the Academic affairs website, medical staff (health, counseling, etc.) no longer provide apology notes to students. This policy has been in place since 2018. When Barnes Center staff determine that it is medically necessary to remove a student from classes, whether or not related to COVID, they will coordinate with the Dean’s case management staff. of students to provide notification to teachers via Orange Success. For absences of less than 48 hours, students should discuss academic arrangements directly with their faculty.

As a member of Stay safe, students agree not to attend in-person classes or participate in activities if they show symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, wait for diagnostic test results, or test positive for the virus. What this means in practice is that some students will miss class in circumstances where, in the absence of COVID-19, they might otherwise attend class. I know this can make managing your classes difficult, especially around exam dates and major assignments. Nonetheless, in the interest of our overall public health effort, we should not encourage students to attend classes when they are sick. I ask you to do your best to work with students who are absent from your classes due to illness. Your cooperation helps encourage students to adopt responsible public health behaviors.

Students entering isolation due to a confirmed COVID infection will not be permitted to attend in-person class sessions. Instructors will receive a notification from the Dean of Students office that the student is unable to attend class. Due to HIPAA regulations, this notification will not indicate the student’s specific diagnosis. The Dean of the Students’ Office is working with the Registrar’s Office and the Barnes Center to generate these notifications as quickly as possible.

If you receive a notification that a student will miss a class for an extended period of time, you are required to provide the student with the option to take the class so that they can join the class at the end of their absence period. . You are free to do this in any way that suits your class.

Classroom masking

We are currently at COVID RED level when it comes to masking requirements. Professors and instructors have the authority to require students to wear an appropriate mask in class.

Instructors and teaching assistants are encouraged to consider updated tips from the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and the Dean of Students Office to define and manage expectations in teaching spaces, manage difficult behaviors and become aware of the role that stress or trauma can play in this behavior. Instructors may ask students to leave their class and should report any belligerent, aggressive or violent behavior to Community Standards (formerly Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities) at [email protected].

Additional FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about contact tracing, masking, and other information for professors and instructors can be found on the Stay Safe Website. If you have questions about what to do if a student in your class is positive, please refer to the COVID-19 Response Checklists.

Thank you again for everything you do and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions that cannot be answered on the Stay Safe site in submit this form at the Office of Academic Affairs.


Chris Johnson
Associate Rector for Academic Affairs


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