The Food and Drug Administration has published information on its website listing the antihypertensive drugs recalled for their combination with carcinogens. Here's what to watch for.

While various lots of drugs for hypertension have been recalled, the US Food and Drug Administration is giving patients a strange suggestion: Go ahead, take the pills that may contain a carcinogen – at least until that happens that new pills are available.

"Currently, valsartan-based products are lacking and we know that other types of products are likely to become so soon," says an FDA release released on Thursday. "In anticipation, the agency does not oppose the temporary distribution of specific batches of losartan containing impurities above the limit of temporary acceptable absorption, for a short time".

Last summer, dozens of drugs for hypertension were recalled due to traces of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) or N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). NDMA and NDEA are likely carcinogens and the FDA has discovered impurity levels in three drugs: valsartan, irbesartan and losartan-containing products.

The FDA said its scientists did not think taking contaminated pills would have "a significantly increased risk of cancer" during the expected recovery period. They also pointed out that stopping all medications for hypertension could increase the risk of other serious health problems, including stroke.

More: Here's how to check if your medications for hypertension are being recalled in relation to a potential cancer risk

The recalled medications are part of a large class called Angiotensin II Receptor Inhibitors (ARA). These medications work by enlarging or relaxing the blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure.

For more information on recalls, read the USA TODAY cover here:

January 23: Medication Recall Against Hypertension Versus Expanded Cancer Risk for More Losartan

January 18: FDA: Another anti-hypertension drug, irbesartan, has been recalled for an impurity causing cancer

January 14th: Medicines Recall Against Hypertension: FDA Investigates Foreign Plants Producing Drugs Containing Carcinogenic Impurities

January 7th: Recall more medications for blood pressure due to carcinogenic concerns – this time, losartan

January 2: Medicines recalled for hypertension: the company recalls 80 lots of valsartan for cancer reasons

December 6th: Recall of three other antihypertensive medications: here is what you need to know.

November 30th: Doctors: Alternative medicines for hypertension are available for patients concerned by recalls

November 30th: Reminder of two other anti-hypertension drugs for potential cancer risk

November 14th: FDA Chief: Medicines reminders for hypertension reflect increased surveillance of drug safety

November 13th: FDA recalls another anti-hypertension drug for cancer risk

November 2: Reminder of a drug for hypertension for a potential cancer risk, according to the FDA

August 7th: FDA expands heart drug recall in case of risk of cancer infection

Contributor: Ryan Miller. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets

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