10 tips to boost your immune system, stay disease free at monsoon | aptitude


While the monsoon offers a respite from the heat of summer, it also brings a lot of diseases. This is the time when some people will suffer from colds, flu, typhoid, jaundice and other diseases. Beauty and makeup expert Bhavya Sharma from UrbanClap.com, and Shivani Salil, health expert at Momspresso share tips for staying disease free this monsoon:

* Keep your house clean: Your house should be clean and harmful -free during the monsoon. Check that there is no clogging or leakage of water, especially in and around the water coolers, air conditioners and the washing machine area (if you keep it in the balcony or in an open space). Replace rusty or broken drainage pipes as they can be a breeding ground for pests. Do the pest control at home.

* Take a shower if you are wet in the rain: The shower will wash away any infection or germs that may be transmitted to you. Also, avoid sitting in an air-conditioned room with wet clothes or hair so you do not get sick.

Avoid unfiltered water from dhabas and roadside shops.

* Stay hydrated and drink clean water: Do not take a risk by drinking unfiltered water in dabas or roadside stores. Make sure your water purifier is in perfect working order and that it is serviced regularly.

* Check ventilation: Provide cross ventilation as it allows air changes that eliminate infectious agents.

: Wash your hands often and keep a hand sanitizer with you when traveling.

Give a jump to tea and coffee and instead have soups for good health.

* Have soups: Go easy with coffee or tea and prefer soups and broths. Hot saline gargles are important because they keep the infection at bay

* Lemon shots: Get a dose of Vitamin C by taking lemon shots (juice of 2 -3 lemons without dilution in water) and consume other foods fortified with vitamin C.

* Use dehumidifiers if you live in a wetland and oil diffusers essential (but change the water frequently).

Turmeric is considered an immune stimulant. prevent the diseases of the monsoon.

* Stack on immunity boosters: Turmeric Nutmeg, tulsi, fat cardamom and lemongrbad can increase your immunity level and stop you from contracting the monsoon .

* Take flu and pneumonia vaccines especially if you have asthma. Do not break the antibiotics indiscriminately. Most infections are viral and antibiotics only work on bacteria. Stay at home if you are sick. He gives you the rest you need and does not make others sick too.

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