11 Spot-On Friendship Quotes from Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams


The winter comes and with him, more time on screen for our fictional TV sisters, Sansa and Arya Stark, in "Game of Thrones".

The murdered Stark sisters are played by Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams, who thus happen to be as close as the off screen sisters. They spend time with IRL, wear badorted "07.08.09" tattoos on their forearms (the date they landed their "GOT" role) and Williams is even on the verge of being a bridesmaid when Turner will marry Joe Jonas later this year.

In honor of the return of "Game of Thrones" for season 8 on April 14, we have gathered 11 of the funniest and most sincere quotes regarding their friendship and work during filming of the film.

Sophie on Maisie

On their different and complementary personalities:

"I've always seen Maisie as that rebellious and cool kid, while I'm more pbadive-aggressive, or just pbadive. I hate it at home and I like the fact that Maisie is just who she is. We spent the last five years sharing a hotel room (even though we each had ours), sleeping endlessly, doing many rehearsals and filling up on food and messing around. , as well. Nylon magazine, May 2016

About what it was like to turn together in "Game of Thrones"

"Our first scene together was our meeting scene and we found ourselves so often.We could not keep an impbadive face! Our relationship is so close, but this is only that fun side, never the business side.I was nervous. It just made me terrified, it's like playing for your mother.When someone looks, you do not do it as well.But in the long run, I think it benefits us because we can be free with each other in our acting game.We are not afraid to go with each other because we feel so comfortable with each other. "- Entertainment Weekly, August 2017

On reciprocal protection at the time of me too

" Maisie est definitely my protector and me too. I know if anything happened – especially if it was Game Of Thrones, which would never be, it would go crazy and protect me. Having a sister on the ground, a woman who gets how degrading and awful it can be, and how expecting you to be so submissive in your work can be very comforting. Maisie is my solid homeland. "- Glamor UK, March 2019

By and large, being a couple

" People always think Maisie and I are a couple. I mean, I'm obsessed with her, so you never know. She is my drug. I have an addiction to Maisie Williams. In fact, I track down his hashtag on Instagram! – Glamor UK, March 2019

Being fully synchronized

"We helped each other to overcome many mental health problems, especially with regard to body image. She was my crutch in this field and me, because it seems that all she has lived through me. You know that when the girls are together for a long time, their rules are synchronized? It's as if our emotions and personalities are synchronizing too. "- Glamor UK, March 2019

The perfect night for their daughters in

" We are a bit like loners in "Game of Thrones", just Because for a few seasons, Maisie and I sleep every night when we turn or every night when we are both in town! We sat, ate and watched stupid videos and smoked grbad. I do not know if my publicist will kill me for saying that! We get high, we sit together in the bath and we rub the makeup brushes. It's funny! "- – An interview with a panel at New York Comic Con 2018

Maisie on Sophie

At its first meeting

" I thought that Sophie was the coolest thing I had never seen. I understand why they do chemistry, because when it's right, it's so true. Like, we are best friends. And they could see it all these years ago, and it must have been really magical to watch these two girls have a good time together. "- Rolling Stone, March 2019

Working Together

" It's funny because it does not look so much like Sansa in real life. She is a wonderful girl and we both love the same thing. And then, on the screen, we have our little arguments and other things, so that you can see a different side of each other. In real life, I've never seen Sophie's side where she said, "Oh, you're an idiot." But I did not find it difficult to hate Sophie on the screen – I mean, I like it in pieces – but I did not find it really a challenge as an actress. "Sophie said:" Go to therapy ", before I actually do it, she really helped me through disordered breaks and separations from friends. I need help! It's more important than anything I can handle myself, 'Sophie is my point of call, I think therapy is so important, you should definitely talk to someone. One, even if in your head, you say, "Yes, I knew it!"] "It's good to see her evolve in this industry and to be a person who understands it perfectly. to have someone who is holding my hand She's like my big sister. "- interview of" This Morning ", January 2017

On having a best friend

Sophie Turner My best friend, indeed, it's so good to have a person of the same age – and the same bad – to live together this crazy life, because it is really foreign. Age of growing up in front of the public.Having someone in the darkest times you can call, who knows exactly what you are going through … just keeps you healthy in mind. "- [ad_2]
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