12 scientists win ASBMB awards


ASBMB Award for exemplary contributions to education

Neil Garg Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles won the ASBMB Award for exemplary contributions to l & # 39; education. This prize includes a cash prize of $ 3,000 and is awarded annually to a scientist who promotes the effective teaching and learning of biochemistry and molecular biology through his own teaching. , his leadership in education, writing, public enlightenment. Garg was the 2015 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching California Professor of the Year.

ASBMB-Merck Award

Ruma Banerjee Professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Michigan the ASBMB-Merck Award, which rewards outstanding contributions to research in biochemistry and molecular biology. The price includes a cash prize of $ 5,000 . Banerjee is deputy editor of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, published by the ASBMB. She has also served on the ASBMB Board of Directors.

ASBMB Young Investigator Award

Christine Dunham Associate Professor at the School of Medicine of Emory University won the Young Investigator Award from the company. The prize includes a cash prize of $ 5,000 and recognizes outstanding contributions to research in biochemistry and molecular biology from a scientist who is no more than 15 years of age. Postdoctoral experience. Dunham is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, published by the ASBMB. She has also served on the ASBMB Program Planning Committee.

Avanti Award in Lipids

Vytas Bankaitis Professor at Texas A & M Health Science Center won the Avanti Award in Lipids, which recognizes outstanding research contributions in the field of lipids and includes a cash prize of $ 3,000 . Bankaitis is a former director of the lipid research division of the ASBMB. He also served on the planning committee of the ASBMB program

Bert and Natalie Vallee

Craig Thompson President and CEO of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, won the award [19659016] Bert and Natalie Vallee Biomedical Sciences Award. The award, which was created by the Bert and N. Kuggie Valley Foundation in 2012, recognizes international achievements in basic science to medicine and consists of a cash prize $ 10,000 . Thompson is on the Medical Advisory Board of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Board of Directors of the American Association for Cancer Research, and the Lasker Award Jury.

DeLano Award for Computational Bioscience

Brian Kuhlman Professor at the School of Medicine from the University of North Carolina won the DeLano Prize for computational bioscience. The award was established by family, friends and colleagues to honor the legacy of Warren L. DeLano the creator of the widely used open-source molecular PyMOL visualizer. The award, which includes a cash prize of $ 3,000 is awarded to a scientist for the development or the most accessible and innovative application of computer technology to enhance research in the sciences of life at the molecular level

. Thomma Stadtman Scholar Award

Nicholas Tonks professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York won the Earl and Thressa Stadtman Scholar Award. The award was established by friends and colleagues of the Stadtmans to preserve their heritage as scientists and mentors. It includes a cash prize of $ 10,000 and is awarded to scientists with at least ten years of postdoctoral experience, including medical residencies and fellowships. Tonks is a member of the Royal Society and was a Pew Fellow in the Biomedical Sciences

Herbert Tabor Research Award

Jeremy Thorner Professor at the University of California, Berkeley won the Herbert Tabor Research Award. This award was created by the ASBMB to recognize the many contributions of Herbert Tabor, who has been editor of the Journal of Biological Chemistry for about four decades. It is given for excellence in biological chemistry, molecular biology and contributions to the community of scientists and includes a research award of $ 1945,000 [$1945000]. Thorner was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2007 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2015. He is a member of the ASBMB membership committee and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry published by the ASBMB.

Mildred Cohn Awards in Biological Chemistry

Angela Gronenborn Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, won the [19659016] Mildred Cohn Awards in Biological Chemistry. The award recognizes scientists at all stages of their careers who have made substantial progress in understanding biological chemistry using innovative physical approaches. The award was created to honor the pioneering scientific accomplishments and spirit of the late Cohn, the company's first woman president, and includes a cash prize of $ 1945,000 . Gronenborn was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2007 and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences earlier this year. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, published by the ASBMB, and Chair of the Biophysical Society

Ruth Kirschstein Award for Diversity in Science

Jorge Torres Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles won the Ruth Kirschstein Award for Scientific Diversity. This award was created to honor an outstanding scientist who has demonstrated a strong commitment to encouraging underrepresented minorities to enter the scientific enterprise and who has offered effective mentorship to those who are part of it. The winner is chosen by the ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee and the prize includes a cash prize of $ 3,000 . Torres has been recognized in the past with awards from the American Cancer Society, the March of Dimes Foundation and others

Walter Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipids

Shu Sin Chng Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore won the Walter Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipids. The award was established by the Lipid Research Division of the ASBMB and recognizes outstanding lipid research contributions by junior researchers who are badistant professors (or equivalent) with no more than 10 years experience (Ph.D. and / or MARYLAND). It includes a cash prize $ 2,000 .

William C. Rose Prize

Dorothy Shippen Professor at Texas A & M University the William C. Rose Prize which rewards outstanding contributions to research in biochemistry and molecular biology as well as the demonstrated commitment to the training of younger scientists. The prize consists of a cash prize of $ 3,000 . Shippen is also a member of the ASBMB's Public Affairs Advisory Committee.

In addition to the cash prize, each ASBMB prize includes a plaque and transportation fee to present a conference at the annual ASBMB meeting. Listen to previous lectures on SoundCloud

About the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The ASBMB is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization with over 11,000 members in the world. Most members teach and conduct research at colleges and universities. Others do research in government labs, in nonprofit research institutions and in the industry. The Company publishes three journals: the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the Journal of Lipid Research and Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. For more information on ASBMB, visit http://www.asbmb.org

CONTACT: Angela Hopp 240-283-6614, [email protected]

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<p>SOURCE American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology </p>
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