35-year-old woman discovers an electric shock in her legs is a parasite that has invaded her spine


A French woman, who suffered from lower leg pain, discovered that she had a parasite that invaded her spine. The parasite is usually found in domestic or farm animals. ( pixabay )

A 35-year-old woman claimed to have suffered an electric shock in her legs that led her to the emergency room. After some tests, the doctors discovered that the woman had a parasite in the spine.

Invasion Of The Parasite

The woman from France said that she was worried that something was wrong with her legs for about three months. . The unnamed woman told the doctors that her legs felt weak, she continued to fall, and she felt electric shock pain.

The doctors gave the woman a physical examination that confirmed that the sensation in her legs was impaired. Do not move your feet properly. Blood tests showed that his white blood cell count had increased to 18,000, which is well above the average between 4,000 and 10,000.

The doctors also gave the woman an MRI showing a hump in the middle of his vertebrae. . The doctors had no choice but to operate on his spine and remove the lesion. The doctors tested the lesion and discovered that it was an Echinococcus granulosus, a parasite usually present in animals, including dogs, sheep, pigs and goats.

Parasites all over the world

The anonymous woman claimed that she had not traveled recently, but she owned a pet dog and had been in contact with the cattle. After nine months of consultation, the doctors found that the woman was safe from the parasite. The woman is also taking anti-parasitic medications.

The case was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Echinococcus granulosus can grow between 2 and 7 mm and in rare cases it can infect humans. Normally, this parasite does not cause symptoms but it can trigger cysts slowly in the central nervous system.

This could lead to a person with mild to severe anaphylactic shock. Symptoms may take time to manifest. The World Health Organization states that Echinococcus granulosus can only enter the body when the individual unconsciously swallows the eggs of the parasite.

The parasite has been reported in several parts of the world, including Africa, the Middle East and Europe. , and Central and South America. The parasite is not as common in North America, however, there have been several cases reported in Arizona and New Mexico, where sheep are mostly bred.

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