& # 39; Complacency & # 39; can lead to the resurgence of HIV, warn experts – LIFE


A World AIDS Assembly opens Monday in Amsterdam in hopes of harnessing the power of activists Elton John and Prince Harry to support the fight against an epidemic, warn experts, who could escape control.

activists, activists and people living with the killer virus – arrived at the 22nd International AIDS Conference amid warnings that a "dangerous complacency" could provoke an unstoppable resurgence.

In recent days, experts have alerted Worldwide, global attention has declined and funding has stabilized.

They lamented that an overly strong focus on anti-virus treatments has diverted attention from basic prevention programs such as condom distribution, the result is that the AIDS-causing virus continues to spread easily among vulnerable groups.

"Encouraging Reductions in New HIV Infections In the past decade or so, we have encouraged some to say that we are within reach of the end of AIDS," said Peter Piot, founder of the 39, UNAIDS agency, last week. However, "there is absolutely no evidence to support this conclusion," he insisted, and warned: "The language on the end of AIDS has engendered a dangerous complacency."

A UNAIDS report warned of an overall decline in new infections and deaths from AIDS, and a record number of people on antiretroviral therapy (ART).

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