& # 39; Forsaken & # 39; of Optic Gaming cheated during the final of the ESL India Fall season


Nikhil & # 39; Forsaken & # 39; Kumawat, a disgraced Indian offensive professional, cheated in the final of the ESL India Premiership season, according to evidence revealed by the event organizer. After cheating Kumawat at Extremesland 2018 and the subsequent disbandment of the Indian Optic Gaming team, ESL organizer India, Nodwin, decided to check if it existed any evidence of the use of malicious programs or hacks during the win of the tournament by Optic. Sources familiar with the matter confirmed to Gadgets 360 that this was indeed the case. The SSD drive used by Kumawat during the ESL India Fall Finale had not yet been cleared and was stored in Nodwin's office, thus facilitating the verification of possible fraud. In fact, the files found were similar to those found at Extremesland 2018.

An official announcement from ESL India is expected today and we will not be surprised to see the reshuffles of the top four teams after the publication by Optic of its entirety. The Indian composition and the possibility that Kumawat is subject to a fairly strict ban, which we hope will remain well this week.

Last week, Kumawat's actions resulted in the disqualification of Optic India from Extremesland 2018 and the team was disbanded shortly thereafter. Optic continues to operate in India with the intention of "pursuing new opportunities with other competitive options".

This is a surprisingly welcome initiative from ESL India and Nodwin. Neither one nor the other are interested in wooing controversy and have been called by an electronic sports voice community to make their decisions in the past. While reviewing existing data does not require much, it is a step in the right direction.

That said, it also shows that Kumawat's actions could have been discovered much earlier if administrators and arbitrators had paid attention to the event. Especially since it is not the first time that he is accused of cheating. Before joining Optic, he was given a two-year ban by the E-Sports Integrity Coalition (ESIC), reduced to six months after lobbying by influential community members and AFK Gaming on his behalf. , an e-sports site offering important resources. investments from Nodwin, organizer of ESL India.

Optic settled in India earlier in the year with the announcement of the constitution of an entirely Indian Counter-Strike team: Global Offensive. According to a statement prepared by the company in May, the company had partnered with AFK Gaming and SoStronk, two Indian online sports companies, to discover the talent needed for its Indian team.

According to the selection process highlighted by Optic, candidates "undergo a thorough badessment based on psychometric and theoretical tests, in addition to a role-based and in-game badysis". It was led by Ali Saba, Director of Optical Gaming Research, with support from Prashant & # 39; Aequitas & # 39; Prabhakar and SoStronk team. Obviously, that was not enough.

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