40 new genetic markers for glaucoma identified


Australian researchers have identified 40 new genetic markers that increase the risk of developing glaucoma, a finding that could lead to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world.

with a large number of genetic markers had an almost sixfold increased risk of developing glaucoma compared to someone who had fewer genetic variants, reported the Xinhua News Agency.

The risk of developing glaucoma – which damages the optic nerve and causes a progressive loss of peripheral vision – increases with age, but the elevated eye pressure usually badociated with glaucoma can be treated with medication and even by surgery.

"The discovery of these unknown genetic markers for glaucoma will be important to improve our ability to test and predict the risk of the disease," said Stuart MacGregor, badociate professor at the Berghofer Institute for Medical Research. QIMR.

"Although a predictive test for glaucoma is not yet available, our discovery is very promising." If we can identify who is most at risk for developing glaucoma at the earliest opportunity, we can ensure that these individuals' findings were published in the journal Nature Genetics.

For the study, the team has covered more than 134,000 people related to fluids. pressure in the eye, a condition known as intraocular pressure – commonly badociated with an increased risk of developing glaucoma.

In 2013, about 64.3 million people worldwide had the disease, i After the studies, it could reach 76 million by 2020 and 111.8 million by 2040.

Although & # 39; There is currently no cure for the disease, early detection can halt or significantly slow its progression

. understanding the genes responsible for glaucoma and high eye pressure, the researchers note.


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