5 foods rich in omega 3


Increasing the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may avoid the risk of developing cancer, suggested a new study. If we believe the results of the last study, a clbad of molecules formed when the body metabolizes omega-3 fatty acids could inhibit the spread and growth of cancer.
Scientists have repeatedly pointed out that diet can play a crucial role in inhibiting the development of cancer. The recent study conducted at the University of Illinois, attempted to investigate the same thing using an animal model.

The team found that in mice the molecules called endocannabinoids are naturally made by the body and have similar properties to cannabinoids found in marijuana – but without the psychotropic effects. The study published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry found that in mice with osteosarcoma tumors – a notoriously painful and difficult-to-treat bone cancer – endocannabinoids slowed the growth of tumors and blood vessels , prevented cancer cells from migrating and caused cancer cell death.

"We have an integrated endocannabinoid system that is anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing, but we now see that it is also anti-cancer, preventing cells from proliferating or migrating," said researcher Aditi Das

. In 1965, the Illinois team identified a new group of omega-3 metabolites called endocannabinoid epoxides, or EDP-EAs. The team discovered that these molecules had anti-inflammatory properties and targeted the same receptor in the body as cannabis.
It has already been shown that cannabis can have anti-cancer properties, the researchers studied in the new study. EDP-EA mice also affect cancer cells.
In mice with metastasized osteosarcoma tumors in their lungs, there was an 80% increase in natural EDP-EAs in lung cancer tissue on the lungs of healthy mice. The dramatic increase indicated that these molecules were doing something to cancer – but we did not know if it was harmful or good, "she said further.

" We asked, are they trying to to stop cancer, or facilitating it? We looked at individual properties and found that they were acting against cancer in a number of ways, "she added.
It was revealed that at higher concentrations, EDP-EAs destroyed cancer cells, but not as effectively as others.

However, the compounds also fought osteosarcoma by other means: they slowed tumor growth by preventing the formation of new blood vessels to provide nutrients to the tumor, they prevented the interactions between the cells. Interestingly, they seemed to prevent cancer cells from migrating.

"The main cause of cancer death is caused by the spread of tumor cells, which requires cell migration," said another researcher, Timothy Fan

. , therapies that have the potential to impede cell migration could also be helpful in slowing or inhibiting metastasis, "she added.

Researchers have tried to isolate the most potent molecules and are working to develop derivatives that better bind the cannabinoid receptor, which is abundant on the surface of cancer cells

"Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids can result in the formation of these substances in the body. body and have beneficial effects, but if you have cancer, Das said, "Endocannabinoid epoxy derivatives could make a concentrated dose of the exact compound that is most effective against cancer."

"The Researchers now plan to conduct preclinical studies in dogs, as dogs spontaneously develop osteosarcoma, as in humans, to confirm their findings. also d & # 39; study the effects of PDE-EA derived omega-3 fatty acids in d & # 39; other types of cancer.

"The most interesting cancers to study would be solid tumors or carcinomas that tend to spread and cause pain. Some of the most common tumors that behave this way are carcinomas of the bad, prostate and lung, and we will certainly be able to explore these tumors in the future, "says Fan.

Here are some of them of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids

1. Salmon

It is not only rich in vitamin D, but also an excellent source of fatty acids omega-3, protein and phosphorus.Salmon contains high levels of omega-3 – EPA and DHA.These fats provide a number of cardiovascular facility such as reducing inflammation.

2. Walnuts

Add nuts to your favorite dishes, sprinkle them on salads and cereals or have them as they are, nuts are excellent anyway. not only multiple vascular benefits but also helps you maintain your ideal weight over time.

3. Canola oil

It is considered the healthiest salad and cooking oil. It is cheaper than olive oil and can withstand high cooking temperatures. Because of its low saturated fat content, it is said that it is beneficial for our health.

4. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are not only rich in omega 3 but also in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Loaded with calcium, protein and magnesium, these seeds reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, improve physical performance and also serve as healthy food for the brain.

5. Sardines

Higher in sodium, they can balance your meal with low-sodium fruits and vegetables. They are usually eaten in a box or pot as a snack or you can add them to sandwiches, salads or pizzas. They would always taste good and provide some comfort to your body

(with ANI entries)

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