5 things to keep in mind before starting Keto diet | Health


I've heard a lot of my friends exclaim from excitement: "I swear that Keto is working like a miracle! I've lost so much weight in no time!" Is it true? I thought about it. Have we finally found the Holy Grail of weight loss, which does not involve burpees? So, I googled. Although there have been millions of wills of people around the world, telling how the popular keto diet had changed their lives, I still was not totally convinced. Just to be sure, I dug a little deeper and discussed with some nutritionists, asking them about the diet and the process that apparently leads to losing weight very quickly. Here is what I learned –


1. Each body is different

The ketogenic diet – in general – comprises 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. But remember that your daily carbohydrate intake can range from 20 to 50 grams a day, depending on how your body treats carbohydrates. There is no magic number of carbs that will lead you to ketosis. If you do not lose weight or are unable to fall into a 50-gram ketosis, keep dropping your carbohydrate macros until you get the desired results.

Expect keto flu – it's normal

"Keto flu" is a flu-like feeling that hits people early in the keto diet. This can happen for two reasons: when your body goes from burning carbohydrates to burning fat, your brain may run out of energy, which can cause nausea, headaches and drowsiness – or you're dehydrated and poor in electrolytes because keto feeding requires you to urinate more frequently. Whatever the reason, do not worry because it is quite normal for this to happen if you are new to the diet. Keto flu actually indicates that you are heading in the right direction.


3. Slow and steady wins the race

You will hear keto success stories where the weight begins to melt almost immediately. These cases are usually badociated with people who have a lot of weight to lose. In general, the more weight you lose, the faster it will disappear. Another thing to keep in mind is that a slow and steady weight loss is healthier, longer lasting and more likely to stay out. So always remember to be patient with yourself!

4. You could lose muscle mbad

Low carb diets are known to promote muscle loss. Carbohydrate consumption leads to the production of insulin by the body, which also leads to muscle growth. During the keto diet, we almost completely eliminate carbohydrates and, because our glycogen stores in the muscles are easily exhausted, we have very little energy and have trouble pushing us to do a potent workout.


5 You have the right to drink alcohol

Most alcoholic beverages are the worst enemy of the dieter to carbs. But that does not mean that you must stop drinking if you are on a keto diet. Dry wines and light beers fall into the category of low or zero carbohydrates – you can drink them as long as you drink responsibly. You will not lose weight if you spend all your calories in alcohol.

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