7 years, 3 directors: the story of Moin Qureshi and his exploits at the IWC


The Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) faces a serious crisis of credibility after its two main leaders – Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana – were suppressed . with a hint of corruption. Two of the three predecessors of Alok Verma also found themselves confronted with corruption. A man, a meat seller from Uttar Pradesh, connects them all. He is Moin Akhtar Qureshi.

In 2011, Moin Qureshi went under the radar of central agencies – the Income Tax Service, the Directorate of Law Enforcement and the IWC – a sufi singer from Pakistan Rahat Fateh Ali Khan had arrived. in India to attend the wedding of Moin Qureshi's daughter.

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On his way home, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan was arrested by intelligence officials at Indira Gandhi International. Airport with Rs 56 lakh in cash. He claimed that the money had been remitted to him as remuneration for his delivery on a farm in Delhi, where Moin Qureshi's daughter had been married.

Over the next three years, the agencies monitored Moin Qureshi. Many raids took place at various locations related to Moin Qureshi in February 2014. Two months later, then Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi used his links to attack the Congress party during the election campaign.

It took three more. years for the IWC to register a case against Moin Qureshi. The investigation of his alleged unlawful acts made it possible to conceal the internal errors of the CBI. The names of former directors of CBI – AP Singh and Ranjit Sinha – were published during the course of the investigation. Now, Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana have fallen into the same state of investigation.

AP Singh

  • During the investigation, the IWC discovered that the company of Sylvia Moin, daughter of Moin Qureshi, had signed contracts with the director of CBI, AP Singh, for internal celebrations in Diwali in November 2012.
  • IWC's next director, Ranjit Sinha, has again awarded Sylvia Moin the contract to organize the IWC meeting – at home – in April 2013. According to the Tax Department, the income, the bill was Rs 33.5 lakh charged for the event by Sylvia Moin's SM Productions.
  • During the case-related research, IT managers found BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) exchanges between Moin Qureshi and AP Singh.
  • The agency retrieved BBM messages in which some were very suspicious. One of the BBM's messages was: "A 500 word text is good or a 1000 word text and jacket size." Fast pls. [sic] "This message was sent by Qureshi in July 2013, to which AP Singh responded: "500 words 40 Jacket collar size 16. [sic]"
  • In another BBM message, Qureshi sent a text message to AP Singh: "In the folder that you left me, would you need any papers? "Then, the director of CBI responded to this message by saying," Just a few very small papers. "
  • The message exchanges also suggest that Qureshi was asking AP Singh's help in some of the personal cases that CBI was investigating.
  • In October 2011, Qureshi sent a text message to Singh: "Sir, the petition I gave you last night, help TS Narayanaswamy, former president, Bank of India, known to our family for 30 years. Others, I do not know Thank you and greetings [sic] "[19659009] AP Singh replied," Checked, the charges have already been filed and he must now go to court to seek redress. "[sic]" [19659009] After submitting the report to the government, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi expired in 2014. He was questioned about the relationship between the director of the CBI, AP Singh and Moin Qureshi in the Supreme Court.
  • AP Singh was then a member of the Public Service Commission of the Union (UPSC). The Center, after the report of the Ministry of Revenue Tax to the Interior Ministry, began to consider using Article 317 to remove AP Singh as a member of the UPSC. AP Singh Must Resign with Increasing Pressure

Ranjit Sinha

  • The CBI found the messages exchanged between Ranjit Sinha and Moin Qureshi who established their links. Soon, the IWC has provided a logbook for visitors to the residence of the IWC director. There was Moin Qureshi as a visitor despite an ongoing investigation in the IWC
  • Some messages exchanged between Moin Qureshi and Ranjit Sinha involved a Pradeep Koneru. This is a businessman and son of Prasad Koneru, who had been questioned by the CBI as part of the disproportionate badet case against Jaganmohan Reddy, head of the congress of the # 39; YSR.
  • The agency discovered that Pradeep was seeking help from Moin Qureshi. A message, retrieved on May 8, 2013 and sent by Pradeep Qureshi, was talking about a meeting. A message from Pradeep to Moin Qureshi said: "What is the best time to meet his boss?" Moin Qureshi replied "Afternoon"
  • On May 29, Pradeep again wrote to Qureshi: "It's important to meet his boss." Do we have an appointment? " Moin Qureshi responded by saying that "the meeting was confirmed today at 14:30."
  • The diary of Ranjit Sinha's residence indicated that a person named "Kureshi" had come to meet him at 2:40 pm that day. Messages and logbook details were now part of the I-T probe. Prashant Bhushan filed a court briefing letter and stated that, according to the logbook, Moin Qureshi had gone to Sinha 70 times in 15 months
  • Several other text messages also suggested that Pradeep had asked Moin Qureshi's help to influence his case. He texted Qureshi on one occasion: "The dog is gone, can the boss talk to the new JD?" Qureshi replied, "Met Boss, he will talk to JD Chennai."
  • In August 2013, Pradeep's father, Prasad, pleaded in Madras High Court for a relaxation of his bail condition.
  • In the cases related to the scam, several accused and suspects were put in contact with Ranjit Sinha through Moin Qureshi, as indicated in the exchanges with BBM. However, Sinha has always denied the charges against him.
  • Finally, the Supreme Court ordered the opening of an SIT investigation under the authority of a retired IWC director. The investigation report indicted Ranjit Sinha as a result of which an FIR had been lodged against him and the CBI had carried out searches at places related to the former director.

Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana

The standoff between Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana also had a Moin Qureshi angle. One of Moin Qureshi's badociates, Sathish Sana, went under IWC scanning for transactions of more than 50 lakh. Sana tried to escape the CBI by various means before his luck left him last September.

Faced with an arrest, Sathis Sana became a complainant and registered a statement in the IWC. Developments became more confused thereafter. His statement says that a bribe of 2 billion rupees was paid to IWC director Alok Verma through the intermediary of PDT deputy CM Ramesh.

Rakesh Asthana asked Alok Verma permission to interrogate Sathish Sana, in his custody. This authorization was refused and Asthana informed the Secretary of the Cabinet.

At the same time, Sathish Sana's statement was recorded by the CBI as CRPC 164, in which he reported that a bribe of 3 crores had been paid to Rakesh Asthana in December 2017 in Dubai. Manoj Prasad and his brother Somesh Prasad.

This statement served as a basis for a FIR against Rakesh Asthana. Manoj Prasad was arrested when he arrived from Dubai in New Delhi. He would have come to Delhi to recover some of the bribe. After Manoj Prasad's statement, CBI arrested Devendra Kumar, a senior DSP officer considered close to Rakesh Asthana in the CBI.

The case became CBI against CBI when the Narendra Modi government intervened on the night of October 23-24 to announce the appointment of its president. IWC Acting Director Nageshwar Rao. Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana were sent on leave for an indefinite period.

But the meat merchant and owner of some of the country's largest slaughterhouses, Moin Qureshi's exploits at CBI may not be complete.

See also | Alok Verma case: How the decision of the Supreme Court could solve the conflict between Modi and opposition

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