70% of North Indian women poor in vitamin D, high risk of diabetes & # 39;


Despite adequate sun exposure, nearly 70% of pre-diabetic women in northern India are "deficient" in vitamin D, making them more vulnerable to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes , according to a study. Diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose is high but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.

The results showed that pre-diabetic women living in northern India had 68.6% "deficient" vitamin D, 26% of "insufficient" levels, while only 5.5% had "sufficient" levels of vitamin. "In India, it is necessary to understand this because women tend to be obese, to develop a metabolic syndrome and, therefore, to have a risk of hyperglycemia, which makes women go through the pre-malignant stage. -diabetic to diabetic phase is alarming, "said Anoop Misra, president of Fortis C-Doc, in a statement.

"If this could be avoided by prescribing a cost-effective vitamin D supplement, it would be really amazing," he added.

According to the researchers, an inverse relationship exists between vitamin D levels and blood sugar levels indicating a decrease in vitamin D levels, plus sugar in the blood.

This is because vitamin D may have a direct effect on the function of pancreatic beta cells, thus increasing insulin production

"Previous studies had previously established the link between , the relationship between vitamin D and the development of pre-diabetes, with a particular focus on women, remained obscure and unexplored, "Misra noted.

According to a recent report by India Spend, the country currently accounts for 49% of the global burden of diabetes, with about 72 million cases in 2017, a figure that is expected to nearly double to 134 million in 2025.

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, included 797 women aged 20 to 60 years old.

The results indicate that women in lower socio-economic groups tend to have higher vitamin deficiency than women in higher socioeconomic groups. economic groups.

Postmenopausal women who suffer from low calcium deposits in addition to a vitamin D deficiency are also at higher risk than others.

Vitamin D supplementation – found in foods such as milk, eggs, salmon, tuna and mushrooms – may prevent diabetes in Indian women, suggest the researchers.

Healthy eating, regular physical activity According to researchers, normal weight and avoiding smoking are ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.


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