71% of Indians suffer from poor muscle health, study finds


Often ignored and misunderstood by an athlete or gym enthusiast, the muscle health of seven in ten Indians is bad, according to a new study released Wednesday

. One hundred Indians suffer from poor muscle health and need to gain muscle mbad. According to InBody and Ipsos, InBody is a leader in the badysis of body composition and Ipsos is a market research company

. "Few Indians know its overall impact on health and well-being. Well-being Muscular health is not only the key to an active lifestyle, but also our daily physical activities to maintain a healthy life, "said the study.

Lucknow had the highest percentage of males and females with low muscle mbad 82% males and 80% females Delhi-NCR had a lower percentage of people with poor muscle mbad, with 64% of males and females

The study also badyzed the level of body proteins and the trend was similar to that of low levels of muscle mbad. 19659002] "It has been shown that nutrition and exercise play a major role in improving musk health ular. When it comes to nutrition, a specific nutrient that plays a role in muscle health is protein. The present research recognizes the importance of protein in the daily diet and exercise to maintain good muscle health, "she adds.

In addition, the adequate intake of protein Food is essential because it ensures the supply of amino acids and stimulates protein synthesis.Ingesting specific dietary proteins and amino acids dramatically increases muscle protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown.

Physical exercise also plays an important role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis and good muscle health

.An alarming proportion of Indians suffering from poor muscle health is very worrying and it is important to find ways to solve this problem.

"It is urgent to raise awareness of muscle health, the role of otines and exercise for a healthy life, "he adds.

Source: IANS

Source of the Image: Shutterstock

Published: July 26, 2018 7:54 am

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