The dog is the best friend of the man, know why


  • (23 minutes ago)

  • ANI

Washington DC, June 28: It is worth noting that dogs are best friends of man and faithful companions on which a human can count.

They live with us, play with us and even sleep with us. But how did a wolf-like animal evolve for tens of thousands of years to become a beloved member of a family?

Through genomics, scientists from the University of Michigan have compared the DNA of a dog and a wolf. the genes involved in domestication.

Research has identified that in some places DNAs do not seem to match.

Researchers used statistical methods to extract genetic changes from old dogs and wolves, found at landfills. 5000 years ago. It results from the first efforts of domestication of the man from those badociated with the development of specific races.

"The hypothesis of the neural crest postulates that the phenotypes we see in domesticated animals over and over again – soft ears, jaws, staining, tame behavior – can be explained by changes genes that act in a certain type of cells during development called neural crest cells, which are incredibly important and contribute to all kinds of adult tissue, "says postdoctoral researcher Amanda Pendleton.

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