Harish Manwani of HUL, Marketing and Advertising News, AND BrandEquity


  Societies Must Win the Confidence of Society: Harish Manwani of HUL
HUL Immediate President Harish Manwani said today that it is necessary for companies to gain the confidence of the company not only by managing a successful business, but also by doing good for the people.

Addressing shareholders at the company's annual general meeting, Mr. Manwani, who will continue to work after 42 years of career at HUL, said that serving communities, consumers, developing talents and foster change in India.

"In the current context, to regain the trust of society, companies must move to a new paradigm" from good to good ": managing a successful business and good for society," he said.

Recounting his journey with HUL, Manwani said, "We have always kept communities in the forefront," adding, "We are in business to serve all consumers of all income strata." "For HUL, Manwani said," There was never any talk of selling soap or soup, it's about making sure, in the process, we can change lives people.

This is the last speech of the Manwani AGM while he is retiring this month, to be replaced by the current CEO of HUL, Sanjiv Mehta.

He also explained how, over the years, from the time of the "indianization" of the company, HUL has always supported the development of talents and meritocracy.

"Our leadership development program ensures that our managers are also comfortable in the dusty, beaten tracks of rural India and in the hallways of Unilever House," he said.

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