Antioxidants do not improve sperm quality in infertile men


By July 2, 2018

Extensive clinical trial conducted in the United States showed that daily supplementation with antioxidants in men with infertility makes no difference for the quality of their sperm Although previous studies have suggested that the intake of antioxidants improves the abnormal parameters of sperm, the current study has shown that daily antioxidant supplementation in infertile males for three months Sperm concentration, motility or morphology, the authors say that much of the research where antioxidants have been badociated with the improvement of sperm quality has been limited by small study groups, heterogeneity of patients, variation of antioxidants tested and non-clinical parameters.

The ongoing trial, which is being presented today at the 34th annual meeting of the European Reproductive Society Bryology, was designed to address these limitations and provide a stronger evidence base.

According to Professor Anne Steiner (University of North Carolina) who presents the findings, this randomized controlled trial is one of the most important of its kind and has been diagnosed in all male partners included in the study. testing male infertility and abnormal sperm parameters, including levels, motility, or morphology of subnormal sperm, or these parameters were measured at the beginning of the study and at three months, after that 39, one group of men received daily supplementation with vitamins C, D3 and E, zinc, selenium, folic acid and L-carnitine and another group received a placebo

. observed only a slight overall difference in sperm concentration between the two groups and no significant difference in sperm morphology measurements, motility or fragmentation of DNA.

Another clinical endpoint of the trial was the natural conception during the three-month study period. Based on these findings, Steiner and his team conclude that "the results do not support the empirical use of antioxidant therapy for male infertility in couples trying to conceive. naturally. "


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