Six cases of malaria reported last week, says SDMC


By: Express News Service | New Delhi |

Posted: July 3, 2018 2:21:49 am

  According to the report, last year, the number of (tentative) malaria cases reported in the city was 114. In 2016 and 2015, the number of case was 157 and 152 respectively. . A total of six new cases of malaria were recorded, bringing the total to 46. To date, 30 dengue cases have been reported, including eight cases last month. (File)

With malaria cases surpbading dengue fever in the capital so far this season, doctors have suggested stepping up information campaigns and precautionary measures. Last week, six new cases of malaria were recorded, bringing the total to 46. To date, 30 dengue cases have been reported, including eight cases last month. This is clear from a report released by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), the agency that compiles data on vector-borne diseases in the capital.

Two new cases of chikungunya were reported in the last week of June. the total to 16, the ratio added. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that India accounts for 75% of all malaria cases in Southeast Asia and that the symptoms include fever, headaches, chills and vomiting. The doctors explained that the higher incidence of malaria cases was not "rare" but required precautionary measures.

A doctor from GTB Hospital said, "Dengue and malaria have different carriers but the common link is water.While some research suggests that a higher incidence of malaria may be related to rising temperatures, people must take all possible precautions. "

The SDMC report states that domestic livestock keepers found mosquitoes in 42,547 households in the city until June 30 , adding that 48,521 legal notices were served for various violations, and "3,506 prosecutions were instituted." On June 28, Delhi Governor Anil Baijal ordered local organizations and agencies to file a complaint. intensify mosquito control measures and also requested regular district magistrate level review meetings with all stakeholders.

Overall, dengue fever affected 9,271 people in the area. the city ​​last year The number of cases of malaria and chikungunya reported last year rose to 1,142 and 940 respectively.

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