Amazon: Amazon to push the hyperlocal application for Big Prime Day Sales


BENGALURU: Initially, Amazon is looking to take advantage of its hyper-local Prime Now application in the top four cities during its Prime Day sale to offer ultra-fast, two-hour deliveries to customers in all categories, including including smartphones and consumer electronics.

Launched as a consumer-focused app to largely compete with BigBasket, Prime Now is now considered a speed app rather than a grocery app, as Amazon India plans to take Flipkart supported by Walmart. and Paytm Mall supported by Alibaba.

The application is currently available in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad. "Prime Now offers the fastest delivery on the widest selection of products that customers need, such as groceries, as they wish, such as home and kitchen, and that they want to be fast , as the best sellers of consumer electronics ".

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<p>  Amazon will offer 200 new category launches during the Prime Day this year, which will take place on July 16 and 17, Akshay Sahi , responsible for Amazon Prime in India, but who did not disclose more details, announced that his grocery product, formerly called "Amazon Now", was renamed Prime Now, in May , to allow leading customers to access a two-hour express delivery between 6 am and midnight and access over 10,000 products in fresh produce, groceries and household items and cooked.
<p>  Amazon has also recently started offering exclusive smartphones, including One-Plus, Redmi, Realme and Moto G, as well as Amazon devices such as Fire TV Stick, Kindle and Echo on Prime Now, and claims to have been quickly adopted. in these categories with sales growing 10x month to month.
<p>  Amazon has launched 15 new fulfillment centers dedicated to Prime Now's customers, allowing its supply chain to meet every demand, from a toothbrush to a Kindle device in less than two hours. The addition of the Prime Now app to its Prime Day event could also be a boost from the company to push traction on the hyperlocal application, which is still behind BigBasket and Grofers in terms of active users, according to industry experts. Anil Kumar, CEO of research consulting firm RedSeer, said hyperlocal delivery may have a strong proposal for Amazon.
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