Scientists identify the mechanism responsible for intelligence in birds


The new study by neuroscientists from the University of Alberta reports that scientists have managed to "spot" the exact neural circuit responsible for intelligence in birds. This new research is an example of convergent evolution between the brains of primates and birds and would help scientists better understand the neurological basis of human intelligence. Cristian Gutierrez-Ibanez, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta, said, "A region of the brain that plays a major role in the intelligence of primates is called the pontine kernels. This structure transfers information between the two largest areas of the brain, the cortex and the cerebellum, allowing for higher order processing and more sophisticated behavior. In humans and primates, pontine nuclei are large compared to other mammals. This is logical given our cognitive abilities. "

The birds have extremely small pontic nuclei, but the birds have a similarly functioning structure called the medial spiral nucleus (MPS), which functions with similar connectivity.The MMS is located in a different part of the brain but fulfills the same function as SpM – it circulates information between the cortex and the cerebellum. "Doug Wylie, a psychology professor and also co-author of the study explained," This loop between the cortex and the cerebellum is important for planning and performing sophisticated behaviors. " This revolutionary research has not been done by the University. from Alberta only, but also in collaboration with the University of Lethbridge and was published recently in the journal Scientific Reports.

For the study, the research team separated samples of 98 birds from a large basin of brains of birds – including the brain of chickens, waterfowl, parrots , owls, etc. The team carefully studied the brains and then compared the SpM to that of the rest of the brain. They found that parrots have a much larger SpM than other birds. "The SpM is very large in parrots – it's actually two to five times bigger in parrots than in other birds, like chickens," Gutierrez explains. "Independently, parrots have evolved an enlarged area that connects the cortex and cerebellum, similar to primates.This is another fascinating example of convergence between parrots and primates.It begins with sophisticated behaviors, such as use of tools and self-awareness, and can also be seen in the brain.The more we look at the brains, the more we see similarities. "

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