Your chances of heart failure are higher if you suffer from depression, anxiety | health


Quite often, experts everywhere said that there is a physiopathological relationship between heart failure and depression and anxiety.

A recent Harvard Review of Psychiatry study says that about one-third of people who suffer from depression or Christopher Celano, MD, of Mbadachusetts General Hospital and his colleagues believe that anxiety and depression are under -recognized and left largely untreated in patients who have suffered heart failure and have had a heart attack. Stop.

"Exertion can help identify those who are at higher risk for poor cardiac outcomes and to implement the treatment of these disorders," said Celano

During the study the researchers found that a third of people with heart failure had higher symptoms of depression on standard questionnaires, while 19% met the diagnostic criteria for major depression or other depressive disorders .

The study also indicated that even if a person is in good health, she is suffering from Celano and her coauthors conclude: "It is likely that an aggressive and multimodal therapeutic approach – such as models of collaborative care or intensive care on the part of a mental health professional – will be necessary to improve depression.

Psychiatric and cardiac health in this high-risk population. "

The study appeared in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry.

Another study found that the heart of patients with isotherms had a double chance of dying early in case of Researchers have studied more than 24,000 patients over a 10-year period and found that post-coronary depression is the leading predictor of death.

Researchers have noted that depression is an important factor apart for other reasons such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure, or having a heart attack or stroke.

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