Multivitamins, mineral supplements do not prevent heart problems


It turns out that multivitamins and mineral supplements do not prevent heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular death.

The research team of the American Heart Association has thoroughly evaluated the overall scientific evidence. the use of multivitamins and minerals to prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

"It has been exceptionally difficult to convince people, including nutrition researchers, to recognize that multivitamin and mineral supplements do not prevent cardiovascular disease. I hope the results of our study will help reduce the hype around multivitamin supplements and proven mineral methods to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease – such as eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising and avoiding tobacco, "said Joonseok Kim, author main study

.For years, despite many well conducted research studies have suggested that they do not help.

The authors undertook to combine the results of studies published previously to help clarify the subject.

Although multivitamins and minerals taken with moderation rarely cause direct damage The study urged people to protect their hearts Understanding their individual risk of heart disease and stroke and working with a health professional to develop a plan that uses risk-reduction measures.

Includes a healthy diet for the heart, exercise, smoking cessation, control of blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

The results were published in the Journal of Circulation: Quality and Cardiovascular Outcomes

(This story was not edited by the staff of Business Standard and is generated automatically from a stream unionized.)

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