Elon Musk responds to criticism of the Tesla factory's working conditions


Musk did not deny the accusation that he is asking Tesla and his staff a great deal. Musk says that he must continue to make his business last.

"If the expectation is:" Hey, we can live and not work hard and do not get tired too much ", that's wrong, that's not true. can succeed, so we can live, we have to work very hard, "says Musk at Bloomberg Businessweek

In addition, there are surely isolated instances of abuse considering the size of the business, says Musk. "We are 40,000 people in the business. If you have 40,000 people, you can still find cases of harbadment or discrimination. "

However, Musk disputes the badertion that Tesla employees are, on the whole, treated unfairly. "The idea that people are not treated well at Tesla is false," says Musk, while even inviting Bloomberg Businessweek to visit his factory unattended to see employees in action and talk to them first-hand. "Talk to people, see if they look unhappy, see if they seem to be untreated, bring the others, we will not even escort you.

In fact, Bloomberg Businessweek spoke to several Tesla employees, on condition of anonymity, who detailed the conditions for factory workers that the publication reported this week.

"Nothing is more important to us," said a Tesla spokesperson at CNT Make It in a statement. "That's not to say that there is no real problems to solve at Tesla or we have made no mistakes Among the 40,000 people who work in our company, there is no doubt that we care deeply about the well-being of our employees and we strive to do good and fail less often.In the past month, we are still improving safety and we will continue to do so until we have the safest factory in the world. world. "

For his team to go through difficult times, Musk says he believes in the example. deeply care about the people at T Esla I have the impression of having a great debt to the people of Tesla who make the success of the company. OK? "Said Musk." My office is the smallest office in the factory – literally. And I'm barely there. The reason people in the paint shop were working their bad is because I was in the paint oven with them. I am not in an ivory tower. I invite you to come and ask them. "

This is not the first time Musk has talked about giving the example to his employees." Musk told Jobs' job site in June 2017 that leaders must always "find ways to motivate and to inspire their teams "- and this starts with his own behavior.

" This applies to me especially, "said Musk." Leaders also need to work harder than those who fall under the heading of " And they always make sure that their needs are taken care of before yours, thus preaching by example. "

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