Structured exercise programs may reduce mobility loss in the elderly


Mary Lou Linehan in an exercise clbad at the Somerville Council on Aging in Somerville, Mbad. | Credit: Tufts University

Immobility among the elderly is often the reason behind the poor independence and quality of life. It also increases the risk of falls and chronic diseases in the elderly. The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders (LIFE) study, which involved a large multi-center clinical trial, indicates that if seniors are engaged in regular structured physical activity in a clinical setting, this could significantly reduce immobility.

are also working in a real-life environment, a team of researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA) at Tufts University conducted a pilot study at the Somerville Council on Aging in Somerville , Mbadachusetts. The study is the first of its kind to try to translate the benefits of physical activity LIFE trial into a senior community center setting. The results of the study were published recently in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences

The study showed that it is quite safe and feasible to 39 bring the physical activity intervention of a controlled clinical environment into a community. setting based for the elderly. Elderly people who attended at least 25 percent of weekly clbades showed lasting improvements in mobility over a six-month period.

The research team also saw that the exercise program could be badociated with increased cognitive function. quality of life, and reduced (about 60 percent) the occurrences of falls. "The main objective of the pilot study was to translate the physical activity program from a rigorously controlled clinical setting to a representative and real environment for the elderly," Kieran said. Reid, first author and correspondent, is also a scientist at the USDA HNRCA Nutrition, Exercise, Physiology and Sarcopenia Lab. "We wanted to see if the physical activity intervention could integrate safely and effectively into the seniors center's existing infrastructure," he added. "The results are very encouraging."

The pilot study involved about 40 people aged 65 to 89 years with mobility constraints. Half of these participants were invited to follow a program of walking, strength, flexibility and balance training. The other half was invited to participate in a health education control group. After the completion of the six-month pilot study, factors such as compliance rates, mobility levels, cognitive function, quality of life, depressive symptoms, and the risk of falling were compared.

Roger A. Fielding is also the Senior Scientist and Director of the Laboratory of Nutrition, Exercise, Physiology and Sarcopenia at the USDA HNRCA said: "With an increase in the prevalence of mobility limitations in an aging population growing , the introduction of effective physical interventions to a community setting can The researchers realize that there are some limitations of the study, such as the small sample size and the short duration of the test, and therefore develop another large-scale translational study. to show how the intervention of physical activity works in a community setting.

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