Leptospirosis claims the fourth life of this monsoon season – MUMBAI


A 17-year-old Worli resident succumbed to leptospirosis, bringing the number of deaths from the disease to four this monsoon season. The disease cost the lives of three people in June

"The boy had recently made an outing near the waterfront of Worli and other areas where there was water," said a public health officer

. transmitted to humans through the urine and feces of rats and cattle. Most often, it is transmitted by unhealed wounds, abrasions and cuts, especially on the foot, when wading through contaminated water.

The boy had a fever for three days after discharge. He received treatment from a private doctor on the first day, and later went to a local civic clinic. He was advised to go to the tertiary care hospital because he had vomited blood. "The patient did not visit a hospital until the seventh day of his illness when he was in critical condition, he was suffering from severe respiratory distress and started to cough blood, but he was put on respiratory badistance but his state has not improved, "said a manager. The patient died on July 13 at KEM hospital

However, leptospirosis will only be confirmed as a cause of death after the control of the case by a committee.

After the death, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) screened. people in the area. He sprayed rodenticide in 17 burrows found in 248 houses and set up rat traps.

Two Cases of Cholera

The BMC also reported two cases of cholera, the first of this season. (Dongri) and E Ward (Byculla, Mazgaon). Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe diarrhea, leading to dehydration and even death in critical cases. Waterborne disease, also known as infectious gastroenteritis, is caused by the bacterium
Vibrio cholerae
. Physicians advise against eating food and drinks from street vendors and boiling water before drinking

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