Drinking responsibly is the secret to good health, meets the study


In a recent study, researchers found the secret to urging students to drink responsibly by convincing them that they will quickly improve their health, relationships, and grades. However, according to this study, maintaining responsible drinking behavior requires a comprehensive set of supportive measures.

"Previous studies have shown that convincing people to change their behavior requires a holistic approach," says one researcher. As difficult as it may be for people to adopt new behaviors, it is even harder for them to support these changes, "added Sharma

Students surveyed said that starting to change to drink so responsible or abstain from drinking they are convinced immediate benefits to health, relationships and notes.

In addition, participants noted that their confidence in their ability to change – either from a belief in themselves or from a higher power – is a change in their physique. the environment, like going out of a fraternity house where alcohol is prevalent, would be needed for change.

Respondents said that keep a diary or use an app help i They also said that adopting new habits such as exercise or other positive behaviors would help them to avoid consuming too much alcohol in response to emotional triggers.

Finally, interviewees indicated that recruiting friends and family. "After identifying these basic supports, we can now design precision interventions that can be implemented by physicians, colleges, even parents," added Sharma.

They also badyzed the general willingness of participants to adopt and maintain responsible drinking or abstinence habits.

Compared to men, women were 38% more likely to start or try to drink responsibly and 49% more likely to keep them. The group also expressed higher degrees of willingness to initiate change than to support these new behaviors. Men's willingness to maintain a change in behavior was 32% lower than their desire to initiate responsible drinking. Women expressed a slightly lower reduction of 27 percent.

The study appeared in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

Source : ANI
Image Source : Shutterstock

Posted: July 17 2018 07:58

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