Reduction Offers Drive India's Passenger Traffic in June on the Rise


According to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC), 1.13 crore of pbadengers was transported by the national airlines during the same period. month under review, up from 95.68 lakh reported during the corresponding month of 2017.

However, on a sequential basis, traffic increased by about 5.04%. It had risen to 1.19 crore in May 2018, while in April it was 1.15 crore.

According to data provided by the DGAC, pbadenger traffic increased by 22% between January and June 2018.

"Pbadengers transported by domestic airlines from January to June 2018 were 684.83 lakhs against 561.55 lakhs during the corresponding period of the previous year has thus recorded a growth of 21.95%, "said the DGAC in its monthly report on domestic traffic.

The data revealed that the low-cost carrier SpiceJet had the highest pbadenger load factor (PLF) – a measure of the airline's capacity utilization – at 93.3 percent in June

"This is the 39th month This has earned us a new benchmark in terms of brand preference in the Indian aviation market and we are proud of it," said Shilpa Bhatia, Sales and Revenue Manager at SpiceJet. 19659003] SpiceJet was followed by GoAir with an FPL of 88.6%, IndiGo of 88.3% and Vistara of 84.8%

"The pbadenger load factor in June 2018 showed a tendency to the decline from the previous month mainly due to According to data from the monthly statistical badysis,

IndiGo dominated the industry with a punctuality rate of 84.1% (punctuality) in the four major airports of Bengaluru, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. It was followed by SpiceJet (81.2) and Jet Airways and JetLite (78.7).

In addition, the overall cancellation rate of regular scheduled airlines for the month of June 2018 was 0.97%.

In addition, the data reveals "The number of complaints per 10,000 pbadengers carried for the month of June 2018 is about 0.60," according to the statement.

41.3 percent, followed by Jet Airways (13.3), Air India (12.5), SpiceJet (12.1) and GoAir (9.3).

AirAsia India had a market share of 5.3 percent, followed by Vistara (4), JetLite (1.7) and Trujet (0.5).

"The 18.36% growth in June over the previous year shows the continued robustness of domestic air market growth at the end of the peak summer season," said Sharat Dhall, COO ( B2C), Yatra. com

"The annual growth of 21.95 percent is expected to continue, especially with airlines advertising air ticket sales in order to speed up the filling rate of pbadengers at the airport. Approaching the monsoon season. "

Aloke Bajpai, CEO of ixigo and co-founder, said:" With the arrival of the monsoon across the country, and all the major airlines offering big discounts, fares for many popular areas have dropped dramatically, which has contributed to the growth in flight bookings. "ixigo is recording annual growth of 3 times greater in flight bookings."


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(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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