Vaping and nicotine patches during pregnancy related to sudden death


Pregnant women who use electronic cigarettes or nicotine patches to avoid smoking may increase the risk of their newborns becoming victims of sudden death, says

. vaping, or skin patches, increases the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), early research suggests.

Scientists have found that nicotine in the uterus can affect the unborn baby's central nervous system and cardiorespiratory responses to stressful environments. This could make infants vulnerable to asphyxiation, especially those who do not have the chemical brain neurotransmitter serotonin.

Stella Lee, a researcher at the Geisel School of Medicine in the United States, said, "Sudden infant death syndrome is a family tragedy, we do not yet fully understand the causes, but this research is important because it helps mothers reduce the risk. "

The findings, published in the Journal of Physiology, have shown that nicotine exposure can trigger the failure of self-uptake. safety mechanism that protects an infant against the deprivation of oxygen.

Babies who can not be self-resuscitated are unable to recover from environmental stresses that cause temporary loss of oxygen, such as getting entangled in litter or obstructing breathing. The exposure of native rats and newborns to nicotine through maternal blood or bad milk and then their reaction to a low rate of oxygen.

More than 10% of pregnant women still smoke during pregnancy despite the known risks for unborn babies. In recent years, nicotine replacement therapies, such as transdermal patches and electronic cigarettes, have been prescribed to women who wish to quit smoking during pregnancy.

The number of women remaining exposed to nicotine during pregnancy, there is an urgent need to understand the impact that this may have in the womb, the researchers added.

Senior author Dr. Aihua Li, also of the Geisel School of Medicine, said: We will continue to identify possible predictors of risk and examine how we can treat infants who have a mechanism of 39, autoresuscitation compromise.

Every year in the UK, nearly 300 babies die suddenly and unexpectedly for no apparent reason. occur during the first six months of life and low birth weight and premature babies are at highest risk.

Sids is slightly more common in boys than in girls. The death of a baby usually occurs, but does not always strike when a baby sleeps.

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