Chemicals in Processed Meat Snacks Can Contribute to Mania


<img clbad = "size-full wp-image" src = "" alt = "The scientists believe that conservation nitrate is responsible

"While an ox-based diet with added sodium nitrate resulted in manic-like behavior compared to rats consuming beef. diet without sodium nitrate, these changes did not seem as severe as those resulting from the consumption of salted meat treated with nitrates, suggesting that another factor of salt meat treated with nitrates could interact with, or worsen , the effects of dietary nitrates alone, "said the team.

Eating a lot of hot dogs, dried beef, salami and other processed meats could do more than just add a few extra pounds – this could cause a serious mental illness called mania

study , which was performed by John Hopksins Medicine, says that nitrate can contribute to mania, an abnormal mood state.

The study, which appears in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, although not created to determine it's after a trial, people hospitalized for an episode of mania were three times more likely to have consumed nitrate-treated meat than people without a serious psychiatric history. In addition, he worked with a jerky manufacturer to develop a jerky without nitrate, and when he fed the animals this jerky, they did not develop hyperactivity or sleep disorders – although rats fed mercury commercial with nitrates

Manic states can lead to dangerous risk behaviors and may include delusional thinking, and most sufferers experience multiple hospitalizations during their psychiatric illness. This is what characterizes bipolar personality disorder

So researchers have tried to test rats, giving them dried beef and loaded with nitrates every day

Mania is usually seen in people with bipolar disorder.

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In addition, due to the frequent consumption of meat products developed bipolar disorder, schizoaffective psychosis (symptoms of schizophrenia and affective disorders) and depression.

Eating occasionally processed meat does not cause a manic episode in most people.

"We have looked at a number of different dietary exposures and salted meat has really stood out."

"To our knowledge, this is the first study to be conducted on a single scale. Exposure to meat treated with a neuropsychiatric disorder, "they point out, acknowledging that further studies will be needed.

Professor Yolken added, "There is growing evidence that germs in the intestines can influence the brain."

The study, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry Nitrates changed intestinal bacteria in rats, which may be related to mental health problems.

"Our results suggest that nitrated salted meat could be an environmental player in mediation mania," she says.

Meat and jerky sticks are popular snacks in the United States, and less so in the UK, however nitrates are used here as preservatives for a minority of sausages and can also be in bacon and burgers. It follows evidence that giving people with bipolar probiotic disorders, to alter their intestinal bugs, makes them less likely to be rehospitalized.

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