-15% of all head, neck and neck related cancers | Jaipur News


Jaipur: More than half of patients with head and neck cancer die in the year following the diagnosis of the disease, said cancer experts on the eve of the Day World Head and Neck Cancer.

They called on people to stop using tobacco to prevent the risk of cancer. "Gutkha and smoking are the leading causes of head and neck cancer.We find that 15 to 20 percent of all cancers are related to the head and neck," said Dr. Lalit Mohan, medical oncologist in a private hospital against cancer.

He said that it is more painful to see patients with head and neck cancer who belong to the 20 to 40 age group. "At this young age, they are diagnosed with cancer, which is really worrying. The majority of them are diagnosed in advance. The cost of treating advanced cancer is high and the result of treatment is not very encouraging, "said Dr. Mohan.

Cancer of the head and neck occurs in the mouth, larynx, throat or nose. Dr. Pawan Singhal, Professor (ENT Surgeon) Sawai Man Singh Hospital said, "Cancers of the head and neck are the biggest source of cancer. Nearly half of patients with newly diagnosed head and neck cancer die within 12 months of diagnosis. Paradoxically, two-thirds of head and neck cancers are linked to known agents such as tobacco, areca nut and alcohol. Unfortunately, these causative agents are freely available either because of a weak policy or a weak implementation, or in the absence of it. "

Dr. Singhal said the situation was alarming, so the "Pledge for Life" campaign is the solution and a preventive strategy to control cancer. This campaign aims to make all educational institutions smoke-free so that children do not start smoking.

He said, "We must take all necessary measures to reduce cancers, especially those that are preventable. We must focus on young people for all preventive measures in order to have a healthy society. Every year, 13.5 million people die in India because of smoking, which is a major cause of cancer. "

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