BEML, HEC sign a pact for the manufacture of mining equipment


Two units in the nonprofit sector – BEML and Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd (HEC) – today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to produce heavy mining equipment utilizing the capabilities of both other.

$ 200 million in business turnover for both PSUs This collaboration will involve reintegrating cable shovels and making walking draglines with greater autonomy, "said BEML President and CEO , DK Hota, after the signing of the pact.

BEML has not participated in the bids for these last two products in the last two or three years, said HEC General Manager Avijit Ghosh, [en anglais]

. He said the mining products could be co-branded.

At the time when about 78% of mining equipment is imported, Such an initiative will push the initiative "Make in India," officials said. & # 39;

Coal India is a major customer for these mining equipment and its president and general manager A K Jha was present on this occasion

. Increasing coal production to 1 billion tons in 3-4 years is not possible without indigenous equipment. In 1818, coal production was 567 million tonnes

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