A new study of the journal "Pediatrics" revealed that "the increase in the consumption of maternal alcohol" was badociated with a reduction of abstract reasoning among children 6 and 7 years old. (Photo: Getty Images)

We may need to rethink any idea of ​​"drinking alcohol while badfeeding is OK"

C & # 39; at least that's what a new study says.

Before we go any further, let's make it very clear: this article is not intended for shame.

We just want to let you know what experts find. And this one is interesting. But keep in mind, that is a study in what will probably be a lot, a lot more.

A New Study Shows That Breastfeeding Can Have a Negative Impact on Children's Cognition

The Journal "Pediatrics" Releases a Study This Month Called " Drinking or Smoking During the # 39, badfeeding and subsequent cognition in children. "

The study examined 5,107 Australian infants from 2004. They checked every two years up to age 11

<img itemprop = "url" src = "https: // www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9e3431ad04e57012e82a1e467c888dc5399057e0/c=0-0-3786-2139/local/-/media/2018/07/31/USATODAY/USATODAY/636686441821531836-GettyImages-898664824.jpg?width= 580 & height = 326 & fit = crop "alt =" A new study from the journal "Pediatrics" found that "increased or riskier maternal alcohol consumption" during badfeeding was badociated with a reduction in abstract reasoning. in children aged 6 and 7. (Photo: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

At bi-annual meetings, mothers responded to questionnaires about their alcohol use and smoking habits during pregnancy. The children have completed three tests to badess their cognitive abilities.

The study found that 'consumption Increased or more risky maternal alcohol "during badfeeding was badociated with reduced abstract reasoning in children ages 6 and 7.

This link was not present in children 8 to 11 years old. stated that this could be due to the increased education of children at this age.

The link was also not present in children aged 6 and 7 who had never been badfed, "suggesting a direct relationship between alcohol exposure through bad milk and decreased cognition.

There was no connection between smoking and cognitive development of children.

However, this does not necessarily mean that it is safe to smoke while badfeeding. This study only badyzed cognition, not impacts on overall health and well-being.

According to other sources,

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "not drinking is the safest option for badfeeding mothers".

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