Amazon launches the new Kindle Paperwhite


Kindle Paperwhite: Key Features


Previously, this feature was only available on the Kindle Oasis. From now on, the Paperwhite can survive the bursting of the hotel pool. Have you always liked reading in the bath, but are you too afraid of losing your technology? No need to worry anymore.

Brighter Screen

Amazon made the Kindle Paperwhite's 6-inch screen brighter by adding an extra LED, bringing the number to five. This should make the Paperwhite even easier to read in low light and means that you can read at night without the need for a separate reading light.

Extra Storage

The latest Kindle has doubled the storage capacity of the base model, from 4GB to 8GB. This may not seem like much compared to what you're swinging on your phone or tablet. Although ebooks are minimal in terms of storage, you can pack a lot in a small space. Take the end of the door of a Stephen King novel, It . With 1,169 pages, this only represents a little over 3 MB of storage.

If you're a comic book reader, a more bulky format, Amazon also offers a 32GB version of Paperwhite.


The Paperwhite is now compatible with Audible versions of books. So you can listen to them rather than read them. Although the Kindle itself does not have speakers, this one is equipped with Bluetooth technology. So you can connect it to your stereo or headphones. With Amazon's Audible supplements, such as discounts if you own an ebook, the more intelligent way it's saved regardless of the format, it's an interesting addition. , and would gladly slip into a coat pocket. But you can not market a technology product in 2018 without making it slimmer. That's why Amazon has reduced the weight and depth of Paperwhite by 10%.

It's unlikely you'll notice unless you compare the previous version side-by-side, but we can not afford to blame a more compact Kindle.

No Alexa

More notable by its absence than by its inclusion, Amazon decided not to use the Kindle with Alexa. It's a good thing. You do not need to talk about your book, but given the recent event that unveiled a multitude of new Alexa-compatible devices, clocks in the microwave, the stress shown here is admirable.

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