"The H1N1 virus seems to be more virulent this season" | Visakhapatnam News


Visakhapatnam: With the pbadage of the monsoon to winter, the risk of contracting the swine flu virus has increased. The H1N1 virus appears to have become stronger and a number of people have already been tested positive for the H1N1 virus this month, according to G Sambasiva Rao, medical director of the government hospital for pulmonary and infectious diseases.

In an exclusive interaction with you, Dr. Rao said that in the past 10 days, about 11 suspected cases of H1N1 fever have been reported to the hospital, of which seven have been confirmed for swine flu.

"We have a 10-bed swine flu ward in which patients are kept, as well as 10 ventilators. So, from the point of view of the infrastructure and the availability of drugs, we have the necessary supplies. Currently, there are six hospitalized patients in the ward, their condition is stable and no deaths have been reported in the city since the beginning of the season. However, the main challenge we face is delayed treatment. Most cases come from King George Hospital or other private hospitals and patients are already in the advanced stage of the viral attack, "he said.

However, swine flu made its first victim in the north coast of Andhra Pradesh last week. A 28-year-old woman from Salur, Vizianagaram, went to KGH with fever. She then had a positive result with swine flu and was transferred to the thoracic hospital.

According to Dr. Rao, the increasing virulence of the H1N1 virus is another challenge. "Even though I have no microbiological evidence, there seems to be a mutation of the virus compared to what I've observed. Compared to the 2009 pandemic, the virus became more powerful during its attack. But thankfully, there has been no drug resistance and patients are responding well to early treatment, "he said.

About the first symptoms and treatment, Dr. Rao said, "If the cold, fever, sore throat do not improve or heal within 48 hours despite rest and paracetamol, they should immediately go to one of the 12 district administration for swine flu screening.

In the city, our thoracic hospital and KGH are two of these centers. The earlier the treatment starts, the better the prognosis. Samples are tested in the KGH Microbiology Laboratory. "

Since doctors, nurses and hospital staff are at risk of contracting swine flu because of the handling of these patients, vaccines have been purchased to prevent them from getting swine flu.

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