Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 server rate reduction compared to beta, Treyarch answers


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on PS4, Xbox One and PC has been out for over a week now and it seems that the developer Treyarch has skimped on a few points in achieving his multiplayer shooter. According to reports from Reddit and YouTube, it would appear that the rate of Calls of Duty server ticks: Black Ops 4 – the number of times per second that an online game produces and processes data relative to the server – a reduced by almost 66%. During Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta, the server's tick rate was 60Hz, while it was 20Hz in the last game. This was first reported on Reddit and verified by the 39; YouTuber Battle (no) sense net code badyst.

The developer Treyarch has been addressed to the subdirectory Black Ops 4 to answer. In recent days, I wanted to take a moment to address this issue directly, "reads in an article from the studio." We are constantly working on the optimization of the game, and in particular the performance of the network, to ensure our players an online experience of the highest quality. For a game launch as gigantic as ours, we configure our infrastructure at a time. ensure the stability of the game as the highest priority over all other factors. "

This is essentially an admission that Treyarch has compromised the server's tick rate for better performance.

" Now that we have gone beyond the game launch, we are focusing on fine tuning network performance in the whole world, using the actual data we've collected. "the post goes on." Over the next two weeks, we'll be rolling out several updates to our network configuration that will continue to enhance the experience of our players since their launch. "

In our article on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, we stated that if you could support the patch on a ridiculous day, the lack of single player and its high price, you would live there. one of the best multiplayer experiences in recent memory, but for many, the entry barrier may be too high to be awkward.

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