Where will global GDP growth come in the next five years


The United States' share of world growth is projected to increase from 12.9% to 8.5% in 2023. (Representative Photo)

According to the forecasts released earlier this month, l & # 39; world economy is expected to post an annual GDP growth rate, measured in constant dollars, of 3.7% between 2018-2020 before falling back to 3.6% between 2021-2023 and breaking the $ 100 trillion mark by 2022

Bloomberg used International Monetary Fund projections, adjusted for purchasing power parities, to determine the origin of growth.

The current top 20 players are illustrated below

Although China's growth rate is expected to continue to slow down, and in fact, growth is expected to be slower. According to the long-term forecasts of the OECD, China will continue to be one of the main contributors to global GDP growth to a large extent in the short term. China's share of global GDP growth is expected to rise from 27.2 percent to 28.4 percent by 2023.

The United States, while supposed to be a major contributor to global growth, will see their share will decrease as the democratization of GDP growth progresses. In simple terms, other countries will take a larger share of the global GDP pie. The US share of world growth is expected to rise from 12.9% to 8.5% in 2023.

At the same time, India's share of the second largest share will become more clearly defined. India's share of global GDP growth is expected to rise from 13 percent to almost 16 percent, a jump of three percentage points. Indonesia will occupy fourth place with an estimated 3.7% market share in 2023. The top five performers will be complemented by Brazil.

The United States is not the only major economy to give way to new growth engines, especially Iran Turkey, Indonesia and Bangladesh will win. G7 members, such as Japan, Germany, Italy and Canada, should all play a less important role in global GDP growth.

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