A study of breastfeeding for six months can prevent liver disease


Are you on badfeeding your newborn and do you intend to continue it for a while? So, this is good news for you because not only is it healthy for your child, but it also keeps your liver healthy. A recent study found that badfeeding for more than six months could protect you from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Explaining the research, a recent press report pointed out that mothers who badfeed a child or children for six months are at a much lower risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease years later, mid-life.

The research was conducted by a group of scientists from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of California at San Diego and Kaiser Permanente. At the present time, there is no other preventative option for this chronic liver condition apart from lifestyle changes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

"Breastfeeding and its benefits to the child have been widely studied for years," said Veeral Ajmera, MD, a hepatologist at UC San Diego Health and an adjunct professor of Medicine at UC San School of Medicine. However, this new badysis contributes to the growing body of evidence showing that badfeeding also offers significant benefits to the mother's health – namely, to protect her from the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease during her pregnancy. old age, "added Ajmera according to the media. report.

Published: November 3, 2018 at 4:01 pm

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