Arrival of beta developers watchOS 5.1.2, second iOS 12.1.1 and tvOS 12.1.1


by Malcolm Owen
on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 1:17 pm (5:17 pm ET)

Apple released Wednesday its second developer, beta, for iOS 12.1.1 and tvOS 12.1.1 for purposes test and started the beta cycle of the Apple Watch with the first beta developers for watchOS 5.1.2.

  Software update screen for the iOS 12.1 developer beta

Software update screen for the iOS 12.1 developer beta

Developers who have registered for the test program can use the latest versions after performing a full scan. air update on their registered devices or follow the instructions from the Apple Development Center. Public beta versions usually arrive a few days after the developer's beta versions and can be purchased from the Apple Beta software website.

The second beta version of iOS developer 12.1.1 is version 16C5043b, replacing the first 16C5036c beta.

The iOS update seems to be more of an incremental build, with relatively few changes found so far in the operating system, but the incremental change in the name seems to indicate that it will consist of in bug fixes and performance improvements.

FaceTime appears to be the primary beneficiary of the update, with the ability to take a live photo during calls and change the bottom bar to include mute and camera switch buttons, among others. Other additional options.

The first beta version of watchOS 5.1.2 has version number 16S5042a. Apple unexpectedly released WatchOS 5.1.1 without any version on Monday.

The update should largely include new complications for Infograph and Infographics modular faces, as well as elements for messages, home and mail.

The second beta version of tvOS is version 16K5041a, which replaces the first beta 16K5035b. Few details are known about the latest features of the beta version of tvOS, it could include a bugfix, performance and compatibility with the iOS version 12.1.1.

AppleInsider and Apple itself, strongly advise users of the beta to not install the software on "critical" hardware, such as primary devices, due in particular to the risk of loss of data. . It is recommended that secondary or non-essential equipment be used for beta testing and that regular backups of all important data be performed.

Do you find any changes in new beta? Contact us on Twitter at the address @AppleInsider or @Andrew_OSU or send an email to Andrew at the address [email protected].

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