Alexa for PC launches in the Windows Store


Would you like to access Amazon's Alexa on your PC in one click? Starting today, it is as simple as installing the new Alexa application.

Amazon announced today that the Alexa for PC application was widely available for Windows 10 devices via the Windows Store in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, with upcoming markets.

"With Alexa for PC, customers have access to thousands of the same features they already enjoy at Alexa," Amazon spokesperson VentureBeat told reporters. "No additional hardware is required, allowing anyone with a compatible device to do the Alexa experience. Just press the Talk button to control smart home devices, ask questions, set timers and alarms, manage your calendar … and much more. Skill store. (However, messaging and music services such as Spotify and Pandora are not yet supported.). It uses the Fluent Design elements of Microsoft, such as acrylic panels, and the dark mode of Windows 10.

The Alexa app for PC n 39 is not a case of hands free, strictly speaking. Unless you have a PC "specially suited to Alexa", such as Acer Spin 5, Acer Aspire 5 or HP Envy, call the Amazon Assistant requires you to click an application button or to use a keyboard shortcut. That said, you do not need additional hardware for basic features, but built-in microphones and speakers for PCs or webcams.

We asked Amazon to provide clarification on hardware compatibility.

Amazon announced that at the beginning of next year, it would deploy "additional features" allowing users to interact with PCs.

"Alexa is getting smarter, so you can expect continuous updates over those too," said a spokesperson.

Deploying the Amazon App for PC comes a few months after the launch by Microsoft and Amazon of Alexa-Cortana public preview for Echo speakers and Windows 10 computers. As part of an integration, users can say "Hey Cortana, open Alexa "to call Alexa on Windows 10 computers, or" Alexa, open Cortana "to install Cortana on a range of smart speakers Echo.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, said about the partnership concluded in August 2017. "There will be a number of successful intelligent agents, each with access to different datasets and skill areas, and their strengths will complement each other and provide customers with a richer experience. even more useful. "

More recently, in September, Microsoft introduced Xbox voice control via the skills of Cortana and Alexa. Users can switch the console, launch applications and games, view movies, save a download and take screenshots using voice commands.

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