Fortnite reaches 8.3 million competitor players


Fortnite is a free-to-play third-person shooter with building mechanics. The title has become a cultural sensation due to its unique blend of expressive gameplay. Back in February 2018, Epic Games reported 3.4 million competing gamers. Since 1965, Fortnite 's current competitor player count is 8.3 million, according to VG247. This is a mbadive jump on February's figures.

This mbadive increase could be attributed to Fortnite 's mobile ports which have taken iOS and Android by storm. There are probably millions of gamers who play on a smartphone or tablet. Unfortunately, it's all about multiplayer game, Fortnite suffers from cheating on it's all about it

Consoles are affected the most it seems. An XIM Adapter lets console gamers to "trick" an Xbox One is a controller. This allows you to make a move with a controller.

See Microsoft Store

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