Breast milk and saliva can improve the oral health of babies


In addition to being a food source, bad milk also plays an important role in the formation of a healthy oral microbiome in the baby, says a study. Picture: File

In addition to being a food source, bad milk also plays an important role in the formation of a healthy oral microbiome in the baby, suggests a study.

The study, led by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), showed that growth of certain microbes was inhibited until 24 hours after mixing bad milk and saliva.

This slowdown was independent of the fact that the microorganism is considered to be "pathogenic" (harmful) or "commensal" (normally found). in the mouth of an infant.

This could be due to the fact that the interaction of neonatal saliva and bad milk releases antibacterial compounds, including hydrogen peroxide, the researchers said. substrates, found in babies' saliva, "said Emma Sweeney, of the Qut Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation.

" The release of hydrogen peroxide by this The interaction also activates the "lactoperoxidase system", which produces additional compounds that also have antibacterial activity, and these compounds are capable of regulating the growth of microorganisms, "she added.

Sweeney noted that the composition of the oral microbiota of the newborn was an important factor for health and well-being, "she said.

"While the oral microbiota in adults is stable, our studies have shown that the microbiota in the mouth of newborns is much more dynamic and appears to be altered by feeding mode during the first months of life. "

However, this also has important implications for premature or sick babies fed through a tube.

"In these cases, the mixture of bad milk and baby saliva

" Other researchers have shown that hydrogen peroxide can remain active at pH levels similar to that from the stomach of a baby. We therefore believe that this antimicrobial activity observed in the mouth can also continue in the baby's stomach and intestines, "said Sweeney.


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