DSM-5 Anxious Distress Specification Valid for Major Depressive Disorder


November 13, 2018

  A feeling of tension, a difficulty of concentration due to worry, the fear of something terrible can happen, a feeling of agitation and the feeling of losing the control are the 5 symptoms of the anxiety distress specifier.

A feeling of tension, a difficulty of concentration due to worry, a fear of something terrible can happen, a feeling of agitation and the feeling of losing control are the 5 symptoms of anxious distress specifier.

According to a study published in Depression and Anxiety .

More than 78% of patients with major depressive disorder met the criteria for anxious distress, according to the DSM-5 Anxiety Disorder Specialist. introduced to recognize the clinical significance of anxiety for patients with depression, but recent studies supporting the validity of the specifier have used scales from an existing database rather than measures designed to evaluate the DSM-5 criteria for anxiety distress.

Rhode Island As part of the Assessment and Diagnosis Improvement Methods Project (MIDAS), investigators examined the validity of the specifier through a semi-structured interview. 260 participants (70.0% women, 26.5% men and 3.5% transgender patients, mean age = 38.0, SD = 14.3). diagnosed with major depressive disorder between August 2015 and January 2018. Participants completed self-report measures and their levels of anxiety, depression and irritability were badessed using scales of Assessment of clinicians.

The results showed that 78.1% (n = 203) of the 260 participants met the DSM-5 criteria for anxiety distress. Anxiety disorders were more common among these participants, especially generalized anxiety disorders, agoraphobia and panic disorder. They also had higher scores for anger measures, anxiety and depression and reported higher rates of substance use disorders, coping abilities and more. poor adjustment and dysfunction during the week preceding badessments compared to participants who did not meet the criteria for anxiety distress. [19659005] After controlling for the presence of anxiety disorders, anxiety distress was always badociated with poorer adjustment and functioning scores in the depression remission questionnaire ( β = 0 , 16, P = .023 and β = 0.22, P = .003, respectively), but not with a disorder of function or drug use over the past week, according to the interview for the schedule relating to affective disorder and schizophrenia (SADS) ( β = 0.13, P = .074 and β = 0.14, P = .61, respectively).

There was no difference between the 2 groups of suicidal ideation, duration of the episode or days m left work and had no further history of attempting to suicide (36.4% vs 26.3%, 2 = 2.03, ns) or psychiatric hospitalization (42.4% vs 31.6%, 2 = 2.16, ns)

The study investigators conclude that even though the study was limited because the participants were predominantly women and Caucasian benefiting from Medicare , findings indicating "that the presence of an anxiety disorder was badociated with poorer people coping after controlling for the presence of anxiety distress … suggests that anxiety distress is not redundant for diagnosing an anxiety disorder because each captures a unique variance with external variables. "


Zim Merman M, Martin J, McGonigal P, et al. Validity of the DSM-5 Anxiety Distress Specifier for Major Depressive Disorder [published online October 12, 2018]. Depressed anxiety . doi: 10.1002 / da.22837

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