Synthetic antibodies can protect against Ebola


Scientists have developed new antibodies that can effectively protect against the Ebola virus.

A study published in Cell Reports found that DNA-encoded monoclonal antibodies (DMAb) were expressed over a broad time window and offered complete, long-term protection against deadly viruses.

According to scientists at the Wistar Institute in the United States, DMAb could also be a powerful new platform for rapid detection of monoclonal antibodies that improve preclinical development.

The Ebola virus infection causes a devastating disease called Ebola virus disease. for which no vaccine or licensed treatment is available. The Ebola outbreak in Zaire in 2014-2016 in West Africa was the most serious reported to date, with more than 28,600 cases and 11,325 deaths, according to the States' Center for Disease Control. -United.

A new outbreak is underway in the Democratic Republic of Congo. , with more than 200 deaths since August

One of the experimental means of research that scientists are studying is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of survivor-isolated monoclonal antibodies as promising candidates for further development of treatment against infection with the Ebola virus. 19659002] However, this approach requires high doses and the repeated administration of recombinant monoclonal antibodies complex and expensive to manufacture. It is therefore difficult to meet global demand while keeping the cost affordable.

"Our studies demonstrate the deployment of a new platform that quickly combines aspects of discovery technology and monoclonal antibody development with the revolutionary properties of DNA Technology," said David B Weiner, from the Wistar Institute.

The team designed and enhanced optimized DMAb, which, when injected locally, provides the genetic blueprint for the body to make functional and protective Ebola-specific antibodies, bypbading numerous steps . in the process of developing and manufacturing antibodies.

Dozens of DMAb were tested in mice and the best performing ones were selected for further studies. They have been shown to be extremely effective in providing complete protection against the disease in provocation studies.

"Because of intrinsic biochemical properties, some monoclonal antibodies could be difficult and slow to develop, if not impossible to manufacture, loss of potentially effective molecules," said Weiner.

"The DMAb platform allows us to collect protective antibodies from protected persons and engineers, to quickly compare them and to deliver them in vivo to protect them against infectious contagion", he said. -he declares. [19659002] "Such an approach could be important in case of an epidemic, when we have to design, evaluate and administer life-saving treatments within a reasonable time," he added.

(This story was not reviewed by Business Standard staff and is automatically generated from a union thread.)

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