What does the new moon in Aquarius mean for the horoscope and love relationships of your astrological sign, according to astrology


It's time to stop looking back.

On February 4, we will have a new moon in Aquarius, a pbadage in astrology meant to be a gentle push for our zodiac signs to remember to focus on what is before us, not behind us. As the moon moves and changes constantly, when we see it full or new, we can expect to feel these energies more.

In this case, we are not only in the Aquarian season, but this moon will also be present, highlighting new beginnings and new ideas for the next month until the new moon of March. Because of the nature of Aquarius, what does it mean for our love of horsecopia?

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Well, Aquarius does not know how to be any one else 39; themselves. Their liberty is of the utmost importance to them and they attach great importance to being able to adhere to all aspects of their personality that manifest themselves that day.

The Aquarius are independent, but they are also looking for the type of business that improves their lives. It's not just about being surrounded by a foolish society, but about being where we feel reciprocated with those with whom we are badociated.

The new moon in Aquarius means that we will have a new beginning, but they are likely to differ from the status quo. We will have to do a little more and make decisions for our well-being.

It is also a moment when we may feel the need to find ourselves, to explore, to clarify or even to heal what we have experienced in recent months. Our beginning could be related to our relationship with others and with ourselves. In order to make the most of this moon, we must suspend any thoughts or beliefs we have about how we should live. We can not begin to find what we love until we give up the slightest idea of ​​how we hold onto ourselves.

Aquarius is ready to help us get into the life we ​​dream of, but first he wants to tell us that we can not be afraid to turn away from the line, say no and follow our own path. . There are times when we feel that we are prevented from moving forward and that the reason we are not happy or satisfied with our lives is due to something outside of us. Maybe because someone else did or did not do something, because a relationship has ended, or even because someone is not there. one wanted a life different from the one we have, but we blame them for being responsible.

There are times when one has the impression of facing a vast clearing as a whole. Many people started this new year feeling still weighed down by what had happened in late 2018 and, as we moved forward in January, we felt like we were cleaning everything up. And then with the lunar eclipse, we took the last steps to leave the past behind us.

Now, astrology supports it, provided we choose it so consciously. We must recognize that we are the creators of our own reality and that we have everything that has happened to us or even around us.

RELATED: How the new and full moons of each month of the calendar affect your love life and your relationships

Overall, it is a very positive new moon that comes on the heels of the great lunar eclipse that we saw a few weeks ago. a few weeks before the next super full moon. Although Aqaurians can sometimes be perceived as insensitive, they are very sensitive – they are content to reserve their feelings for the things and people that matter. This new moon creates a very strong current of positive communication and abundance.

Many of us work to create the life we ​​love, and this moon will give us a strong impetus to achieve some of what we are working on. It's about being rewarded with the progress so that we can stay positive and focused while knowing that hard work pays off.

Unfortunately, this work has also focused on developing relationships that have not been useful to us. These achievements probably occurred in the period from December to January and we had a clear break. But in most cases, things have dragged on.

What we must understand is that "not now" and "never" are not the same thing. We must also recognize that our partners reflect aspects of ourselves, indicating where we need to grow. If we remain attached to a specific result, as long as we remain attached to a person or even a love, we will never know if it is something that is intended for us.

This new moon in Aquarius wants us to know that it is safe to give up – memories, work, to wish things to be different. And we need to be sure that we can move away from this plan because we will have so much better results in the future.

There is so much hope badociated with this new moon, and it is this powerful energy that will allow us to finally stop looking back. We will realize that if no one looks back, it is a situation that will continue to stop our growth and momentum.

We can not be afraid of losing something which, in our opinion, is destined for us, because if it does, it will always find us. Things are always working exactly as planned and, with the rebellious nature of Aquarius, we will feel the strength to let go of the past, failed businesses, difficult relationships, harsh friendships and even inner talk. it kept us stuck in places of regret and fear for so long.

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